KCMOGO Kansas City Calendar Of Events. Live Shows, Concerts, Festivals and Other Events this Weekend in Kansas City. Discover hundreds of awesome attractions, cool sights, hidden gems, and unique things to do in Kansas City, Missouri.
you are probably thinking of Kansas City, MO. That’s where a lot of our main attractions are (including the Chiefs and the Royals) and a lot of the recommendations on this list are in KCMO too.
Gatesville houses over 3000 men and almost 80% of all women incarcerated in Texas, as well as all the women on death row. All of these men and women have family of some sort: children, spouses, parents
I have also been insanely stalked from the start by two lying false accusing informants driving up to me (at a 7-11) last weekend 10/11/15 and have been trying to set me up and now even stolen from me a total of about 90.00 dollars and a cooler with food etc in it, they have...