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周一| VOC News of This WeekMonday【本期导读】音频:进度条00:0004:14后退15秒倍速快进15秒The British people are forced to choose unhealthy diets under inflationary pressure通胀压力下英国民众被迫选择不健康饮食Months of inflation has seen prices soaring, especia...
Have you been paying attention to what's been going on in the world over the past week? The coronavirus has infected over 10 million people, French President Emmanuel Macron named new prime minister, the European Union agreed to open its borders to 15 countries, and more. Take our quiz...
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武汉一周双语推介|This Week in News---1China-AfricaInnovationCooperationConferenceheld—中非创新合作大会举行▲InternationalstudentsinWuhanattendingthe
Each week we’ll look ahead to what’s in store for World of Warcraft, share the latest news, and keep you in the know byte by byte. Here’s what is in the queue this week as we take a look at Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible raid dungeon, and Dragonflight
武汉一周双语新闻推介 | This Week in News -1- City celebrates CPC centenary 英雄城喜迎建党100周年 ▲ CPC members at Central China Normal University sing in praise of the CPC.Photo by Yang Tao A grand gathering celebrating the centenary of the Communist Party of China was held at Tian'anmen...