一个24小时就会自毁的网站 在网友的接力下存活了两年 来源:媒体滚动 来源:游戏研究社 2020年4月,全球疫情正在进入高峰的同时,一个名为“This website will self destruct”(这个网站会自我毁灭)的网站悄悄上线了。“自毁网站”的界面非常简单,网页名称位于顶部,接下来是网页简介(或者说是开发者给网友的一封...
生于疫情,24小时内收不到消息就自毁的网站迎来了终结 就在昨日,网名为「FemmeAndroid」的用户在「x」上发布了一条讯息,宣告了一个网站的灭亡。 她口中的网站全名为「ThisWebsiteWillSelfDestruct.com」,不少人或许曾了解过它的情况。 这是一个会自毁的网站,在2020年由「FemmeAndroid」亲手创造。 它的功能十分...
I’m a website. I’ll be gone soon, and that’s okay. You can send me messages using the form below. If I go 24 hours without receiving a message, I’ll permanently self-destruct, and everything will be wiped from my database. That’s okay though. Until then, let me know how ...
这个网站将会在网友停止发帖后进行自毁 据外媒报道,互联网上充斥着大量的僵尸网站:大多数用户早已弃用的论坛、文化时代已经过去的新奇页面等等。This Website Will Self-Destruct 将不会有那样的命运。如果24小时内没有人在该网站上发帖它将永久删除自己然后只留下一条错误消息。 This Website Will Self-Destruct是一...
国外有一个名为“This Website Will Self-Destruct”的奇特网站,如果24小时内没有人在网站上发帖,该网站就会被永久删除,只留下一条错误信息。 这个网站上有一个简单的网络表格,可以允许网友向网站提交信件。这些信件被匿名存储在一个数据库中,其它访问者可以随机查看这些信件,获得一个了解人们生活的小窗口。
这个网站即将自毁-This website will self destruct 一个网站,往往是以开的久而吸引访问用户,但今天的这家网站就很与众不同了。在这个网站中,如果超过24小时内没有新的留言,网站就会自毁并删除数据库。这个小实验听起来很恐怖不过一直都有很多的游客前来拜访并留言,基本最长也就1-2分钟内就会有新的消息并刷新倒...
Valley. Some of these websites are often forgotten after some time but remain on the internet for eternity. However, unlike these websites, “This Website Will Self Destruct” is a completely different type of website that will actually stop existing on the internet if people forget about it...
This is the message that greets you when visiting the page (Image credit: https://www.thiswebsitewillselfdestruct.com) Oh, and there's timer. Counting down from 86,399 seconds, it refreshes every time a new message is added. If it hits zero, everything gets wiped from the site's da...
FEMMEANDROID: I, I was just like, well, like, I have enabled this. And the fact that it's called This Website Will Self-Destruct, like, if you're seeing just a screenshot of the site that says, “This website will self-destruct” and a threat, like, the optics of that—like,...
2014. "This Message Will Self-Destruct: The Growing Role of Obscurity and Self-Destructing Data in Digital Communication." Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 40(2): 12-16.Kotfila, C. (2014). This message will self-destruct: The growing role of obscurity...