Welcome to This War Of Mine In This War Of Mine you do not play as an elite soldier but rather a group of civilians trying to survive in a besieged city; struggling with lack of food, Medicine and constant danger from snipers and hostile scavengers. The game provides an experience of ...
Winter weather creates several additional hardships that do not occur during warm weather. Various scavenging locations will be inaccessible due to snow; Franko may be the only one available. He will visit less often and his prices will be higher for all
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“Few years ago I was waiting for my light right here. Before the war I had a villa and three cars, now I have nowhere to go. This airport used to be alive, full of people back then. You know, they built this airport for the world cup.” ...
仅显示有编辑的年份月份 不统计对用户命名空间下页面的编辑 不统计页面开头为'Data:'的页面(由脚本/机器人编辑) 仅统计数字用户名(B站用户),以排除wiki初始化和导入的编辑 使用北京时间UTC+8计算编辑日期 20230608:使用模板减小页面大小 分类: 热力图
例子: 列出当前用户的监视列表中的页面。 api.php?action=query&list=watchlistraw [在沙盒中打开] 检索当前用户监视列表上的页面的页面信息。 api.php?action=query&generator=watchlistraw&gwrshow=changed&prop=info [在沙盒中打开] 取自“https://wiki.biligame.com/thiswarofmine/特殊:Api帮助”...
api.php?action=help&recursivesubmodules=1 [在沙盒中打开] 帮助模块本身的帮助。 api.php?action=help&modules=help [在沙盒中打开] 两个查询子模块的帮助。 api.php?action=help&modules=query+info|query+categorymembers [在沙盒中打开]取自“https://wiki.biligame.com/thiswarofmine/特殊:Api帮助”...
这是我的战争 (This War of Mine) (官方预告) TWoM的内容与主题围绕战争展开,选择了战争中平民的视角展示战争的残酷,包括生存的不易,需要长期承受的黑暗沉重的心理阴影,以及随时可能会面对的道德困境,而非歌咏那些冲锋陷阵的战士在枪林弹雨间的英勇杀敌行为,战友之间的经过生死考验友情,抑或是为了自由,正义而反抗...
游戏就该轰轰烈烈,游戏就该跟好莱坞大片一样有着非凡的体验。直到今天许多人接触到《This war of mine...