You know,this is my favoriteplace in the entire world. Sabes,este es milugarfavoritoen todo el mundo. Of all the gifts I have received,this is my favorite. De todos los dones He recibido, este es mifavorito. I also tried the other flavored, butthis is my favorite. ...
buildingscanbefoundinhishomeland,aswellasinBenin,Mali,Kenya,Mozambique,TogoandSudan. Whenhewas20,in1985,Kéréearnedavocationalscholarshiptostudycarpentry(木工)in Berlin.Butwhileabsorbedinthepracticalityofroofingandfurnituremaking,healsoattended nightschoolandwasadmittedtoTechnicalUniversityofBerlin,fromwhichhegradua...
Today, I'd like to focus my comments on the meaningful roles that elderly can play and should play in our society. Text 10 【原文】W: Talking about personal relationships. Well, I'd naturally think of my relationship with my mother. Whenever I need help, my mother is always there for ...
However, my Uncle Tom, my father’s younger brother by seven years, having earned a Master’s Degree in Spanish literature, had a greater interest in them. Without objection, Uncle Tom took possession of the vellum tome, researched its contents well, and eventually translated the Francisco Xavi...
In spite of all that, our family is not alone: Thanksgiving weekend remains the most traveled time of year in the United States, as relatives separated by distance return home to take part in the yearly feast. Growing up, one of my favorite Thanksgiving traditions was playing a chaotic ...
A: When I was in university, I studied history and literature, mostly classics like Shakespeare and Jane Austen and Thomas Hardy. And then I took a course in Children’s Lit. My professor introduced me to children’s books I had never read before, like E. Nesbit’sThe Story of the Tre...
The pillows were my favorite part, they were fluffy and large and very comfortable to sleep on! The bed was the perfect amount of firm and soft! The shower was Heaven!!! I have to especially brag on the gentleman who checked us in and provided us with such a nice sta...
25.Mygrandmotheris 75 but she'sstillveryactive. 我的祖母75岁了,但她仍然很活跃。 26.On thedayof thefestivalthere was a lot ofactivityin thestreets. 节日那天,街上有很多活动。 27.Theyseemedto be goodfriendsbut inactualfacttheyhatedeachother. ...
So that’s that. My job of so many years is gone. It was exasperating to work there at times, but mostly it was very rewarding to help the kids and encourage them. It was also fun to get to do calculus and physics problems and to speak Spanish. Now I am cut off from all that....
In Spanish, it's called EI Castilo, which means the castle. But its real name is the Temple of Kukulkan and it actually sits on top of a much older temple. On the 20th of March and the 22nd of September, the sun's rays create a strange shadow across the Temple of Kukulkan. It...