God has overcome this broken world. He has seen worse, endured worse, and overcome worse. God is unsurprised by 2021. This too shall pass, and in the meantime, raise your Daniels, Davids, Esthers, and Peters the best you can. AsJulie Richardsays, “Just do your best, and let God f...
The first piece was this meme that I’m sure someone made and he thought was funny with his face and “Guard that Pussy”. At least I hope with all of my heart that he thought it was funny and didn’t un-ironically send that to a lady friend because if anyone ever seriously sent ...
I’m hoping not too dilly dally too much with the opinion and just get you the juicy links. But let’s see how we go? Shall we go then? To the things? LET’S. 1. DAVID S. PUMPKINS “Any questions?” It’s been halloween this week and while it is customary to write about...
there are no whites, where it does not matter.’ Malcolm X disagreed (‘As a black man, and proud of being a black man, I can’t conceive of myself as having any desire whatsoever to lose my identity’), but one year later he too would disavow racial ...
4. What do you think the secret to happiness is?puppies, hugs, cookies & George Clooney... or, not taking myself too seriously and remembering that "this too shall pass." 5. When was the last time you had a dream that you either remember well or did not want to awake from? Can ...
I have a problem with planting too much in too small a space. My plans are bigger than my gardens, and when my gardens are big, taking care of them properly is impossible. Sigh. One can’t have everything. Not without loads of minions and loads of money, anyway… Why grow mangle ...
For Gadamer, hermeneutics is what we reach for when something has gone wrong, when understanding has not happened. Much as we can choose to try and understand why other people find a joke funny when it failed to make us laugh. Perhaps the end result will be understanding, and as a result...
I haveprovenbeyond any reasonable doubt, that Obama is anillegalMuslim, a large percentage of people believe that too. That being said, then alarge percentageof congress, especially the democrats, are clearlycorrupt.Republicansare corrupt by omission if nothing else. Then there is themedia, praisi...
(good luck with that, I’m pretty hard to dox) but instead out of spite. I want you to know that you’re so beneath me that I don’t even need to bother with aliases or security measures. You’re not a threat to me. You’re too broken and cucked to try something. I can ...
of dominance at the right time. It takes courage to be in a D/s relationship: I argue on both sides of the paddle and not just when the discipline is taking place. It takes conviction and courage to both receive and give out spankings. The headspace of the Dom gets too little ...