This subnet overlaps with another interface!
ip address # 我想在g 1/0/1接口下配置ip,级联到上个设备,输入下面命令后提示已被使用,哪位大侠指点下,谢谢! [H3C-GigabitEthernet1/0/1]port link-mode route [H3C-GigabitEthernet1/0/1]ip add 24 提示:This subnet overlaps with another interface! 组网...
这个错误一般出现在手动安装的过程中,原因是 .env 里面默认的网段已经被使用造成了冲突,解决方案如下 编辑.env 找到下面这一行,改成其他不冲突网段 SUBNET_PREFIX=xx.xx.xx 重启服务 cd /data/safeline && docker compose up -d
In SonicWall when configuring an interface, sometimes there is an error message thrown stating "Error: Index of the interface.: Subnet on this interface overlaps with another interface".Cause For example in the image shown above, the interface X0 (LAN) has...
I have 2 lines coming in with identical IP, Subnet, Gateway, DNS 1 2 3 across both services If the Main (NGN) link goes down the Backup (Radio) link will take over this is done by 2 routers from our ISP. Sonicwall NSA …
雷池WAF遇到 invalid pool request: Pool overlaps with other one on this address space 怎么办 这个错误一般出现在手动安装的过程中,原因是 .env 里面默认的网段已经被使用造成了冲突,解决方案如下 编辑.env 找到下面这一行,改成其他不冲突网段 SUBNET_PREFIX=xx.xx.xx...