Whenever we call a member function in association with an object, the object’s address is implicitly passed as a hidden first argument received in the called member function using a special pointer known as this pointer. The this pointer contains the address of the object that generates the ...
// this_pointer.cpp// compile with: /EHsc#include<iostream>#include<string.h>usingnamespacestd;classBuf{public: Buf(char* szBuffer,size_tsizeOfBuffer ); Buf&operator=(constBuf & );voidDisplay(){cout<< buffer <<endl; }private:char* buffer;size_tsizeOfBuffer; }; Buf::Buf(char* szBu...
C++ this Pointer - Every object in C++ has access to its own address through an important pointer called this pointer. The this pointer is an implicit parameter for all member functions. Therefore, inside a member function, this may be used to refer to t
The pointer From cppreference.com <cpp |language Syntax this The expressionthisis aprvalueexpressionwhose value is the address of theimplicit object parameter(object on which the implicit object member function is being called). It can appear in the following contexts:...
// do not execute in cases of self-reference 注意 由于this 指针无法更改,因此不允许对 this 赋值。C++ 的早期实现允许对 this 赋值。 this 指针有时可直接使用 - 例如,当操作自引用数据结构,而其中需要当前对象的地址时。 // this_pointer.cpp
在C++ 中,this指针是一个特殊的指针,它指向当前对象的实例。 在C++ 中,每一个对象都能通过this指针来访问自己的地址。 this是一个隐藏的指针,可以在类的成员函数中使用,它可以用来指向调用对象。 当一个对象的成员函数被调用时,编译器会隐式地传递该对象的地址作为 this 指针。
```cpp class MyClass { public: MyClass() { qDebug() << "This pointer in constructor: " << this; } }; int main() { MyClass obj = new MyClass(); // This pointer will be printed here. delete obj; return 0; } ``` 在这个例子中,"this"指针在`MyClass`的构造函数中被使用,它...
在C++ 编程中,错误使用this指针(Invalid Use of ‘this’ Pointer)是常见的编译错误之一。this指针在类的成员函数中指向调用该函数的对象,错误地使用this指针会导致程序行为不可预测,甚至可能引发运行时错误。本文将深入探讨无效使用this指针的成因、检测方法及其预防和解决方案,帮助开发者在编写 C++ 程序时避免和处理这...
The compiler will not allow the statement n++ in the body of function f(). In the function f(), the this pointer is of type A* const. The function f() is trying to modify part of the object to which this points. The this pointer is also used to guard against self-reference: ...