MY number +1 xxx xxx xxxx been banned and i am not able to figure out the reason for supension,please help me to recover my account. Thank you. Your email填写: Your email填写你的邮箱,随便哪个邮箱都可以,后期也不会收到任何邮件。 Your phone number填写: Your phone number填写你的telegram...
Telegram如果注册成功并不代表你就能长久使用了,没准你的号码就会被禁,因为你是+86手机号码注册的,你在为前人背锅,这次给大家介绍如何解除封禁,于是就有了今天这篇文章。 实现方法 如果是刚刚注册,第二天就被限制无法访问了,那么站长劝你还是用美国手机号码注册一个吧,关于获取美国手机号,具体可以参看这几篇文章...
1.点击提示框左下角的HELP弹出如下提示框: 2.在手机上下载一个QQ邮箱,然后点击左下角“通过邮件发送”,会出现下图: 会自动生成申诉的邮件,只需点击发送邮件即可。大约要等待一天,***会给你回复邮件,这样你的手机号码就可以使用了。 3.***的Android源码这块的代码在TMessagesProj/java/org.***... 如何使...
尽管你可能已经尝试了一些方法,如根据以下Telegram解封教程里的方法1和方法2,但解封仍然未果 ▼ 🚨Telegram账号被封禁怎么办?如果你的Telegram账号被封禁并显示“This phone number is banned” ,不要惊慌失措。 本文教你如何在被封禁的情况下重新使用Telegram,让你轻松解除封禁!快来试…… 别灰心,有时候解决问题需...
百度文库 期刊文献 图书this phone number is banned翻译this phone number is banned翻译 this phone number is banned翻译:这个电话号码被禁止了。©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销
Your current User-Agent string appears to be from an automated process, if this is incorrect, please click this link: United States English Microsoft Homepage What's new Surface Laptop Studio 2 Surface Laptop Go 3 Surface Pro 9 Surface Laptop 5 ...
There's no guarantee your messages or your data like your location or the files you share will be private and secureYour account may be banned because using unofficial Whatsapp apps is against our Terms of serviceLearn more about unofficial apps in this article ...
大神帮忙看看YQU HAVE BEEN BANNED! This account has been temporarily suspended until 2018-01-12 due t too many suspected complaints for using llegal software and abnormal game logs.You will be able to play again after the suspension, even if the investigation is not complated during the period...
aThroughout my childhood, I rarely ever heard about any kind of crime. Obviously I was going to have to behave (表现) a little bit differently in this new environment. Because of St. Ignatius's view as an essential part of the community, people could not exactly be banned from walking ...
radius : 0; } 分享18赞 使命召唤4吧 you are Permanterly banned form this server 什么意思 分享6赞 samp吧 CHNliuzhengY 去酷派天空自由都市出现You're banned from this server什么意思 分享12赞 后街男孩吧 死去的迈娅 【THIS IS US】不明白THE CALL这个MV是什么意思= =五个人轮流追一个女的,最后为什...