( findstr /ibv "%hl%" "%%i">temp (for /f "tokens=1* delims=[lbk][rbk]" %%a in (temp) do (if not "%%b"=="" ( set "num=%%a"&set "var=%%b" setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set "var1=!var: =!" if not "!var1!"=="" echo [lbk]!num:~,8![rbk]!var! endlocal ) ))...
Delete files accidentally from from Microsoft Visual Studio 2019, how to restore Delete temp folder in appdata - Windows 10 Deleting network printer with powershell on domain PC client Deleting recovery partitions: When there are multiple recovery partitions what are the methods to determine the pa...
You can encounter the Temp folder error on your PC when running an installer file or uninstalling an app. The error may occur due to corrupt temporary files in the temp folder and wrong temp folder configurations. Deleting the temp files and performing a clean boot can fix the error. Windows...
INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Skype for Business Server 2015\")...failure code 1638 Error returned while installing OcsCore.msi(Feature_LocalMgmtStore), code 1638. Error Message: Another version of this product is already installed. Instal...
Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. To configure or remove the existing version of this product, use Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel. For more details please consult log ...
i was able to run the installer again and basically install the app on top of what was there before, and that worked for a couple of days. This morning i was able to open the main program, but as soon as i tried to run a sub program with in the main one, i got ...
I deleted all the temporary files in the folder (C:\Documents and Settings\[user profile]\Local Settings\Temp). The number of files was 65000+, but was occupied only 4mb. Then the acrobat opened properly. For more solutions: http://www.deerbro...
Outlook.exe.log in %Temp% consumes too much disk space Performance is slow in Microsoft 365 Performance issues with too many items or folders Performance issues if UseLowPriorityConfiguration is set to 0 Scan by using Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant ...
But when I run reset this PC with keep my files, it goes to 50%, then reboots and says that the reset failed. According to the log created in $SysReset it fails when trying to read the *.ppkg file. I'm a missing something here?
Authors: T Templin, D Popielarczyk Year: 2020 Cites: 48 Abstract:… further optimization for mixed and augmented reality purposes. … reality content, and a windows application with mixed reality. The … be experienced as 3D immersion in virtual reality (VR). …...