Windows 8.1中,“我的电脑”将被“This PC”取代 在以往的Windows系统中,我们习惯了“我的电脑”(My Computer)或者“计算机”(Computer),如今,微软要与时俱进,放弃这个名字,采用一种更个性化的称谓。“计算机”被“This PC”取代。 Windows 8.1(或者说Windows Blue)的开发工作仍在紧锣密鼓部署中,要赶上6月BUIL...
Win Blue中的“My Computer”将改名为“This PC”?Win Blue中的“My Computer”将改名为“This PC”?随着Win8升级版Win Blue的即将到来,关于Win Blue的传闻越来越多,比如外界盛传消失了一段时间的“开始”按键将会回归Win Blue。 今天又有新截图曝光了Win Blue的新改变,“My Computer”(我的电脑)被...
my computer 不好吗,为什么要改成 this pc读起来很别扭 FOR-4 赫赫有名 13 这台不一定是你的 龙度度 声名远扬 12 楼上正解 sjsfzw 赫赫有名 13 有理有据 登录百度帐号 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示3...
What (This my pc) ? The concept behind thismypc app was to transfer your computer folder and file information through a nodeJS server to the web end as JSON data. Why (This my pc) ? The app's responsive web interface helps you to browse file in any resolution device. You can use ...
to remove any folder from This PC to change the icon for any folder in This PC to add some shell location like God Mode or Recycle Bin inside the This PC Folder. Note that you cannot change the icon of special shell locations added to This PC. You can only change the icons of c...
In the navigation pane under This PC, and In the right pane of This PC. So, (optionally) to prevent the custom folder from appearing under the “This PC” tree (a.k.a. “My Computer” namespace) and in the right pane of This PC, delete these keys: ...
alook at this photo. the girl in yellow is maria. she is tall. she has short brown hair. michael is strong. he is in a black cap and blue shoes he has blond hair.jane is in a purple t-shirt and apink skirt. her hair is red. the boy in a white t-shirt is kangkang. his ...
Now, there's a This PC tile on the Start menu. Add it to your desktop To create a desktop shortcut, open File Explorer, selectThis PCin the left pane, and then drag it to your desktop.
on Windows 11 displays the quick access folders such as Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures and Videos, and most importantly all your devices and hard drives in a file explorer window. It is usually the the first place to visit to when you want to browse to a folder from the...
3)The ‘This PC’ or ‘MyComputer’ iconwould appear on the desktop. If you no longer want the “My Computer/This PC” icon to appear on your desktop, you can repeat these steps and uncheck the box next to “My Computer” to remove it. ...