方法/步骤 1 win+R打开运行,输入regedit进入。2 定位到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup,新建项名为LabConfig。3 在LabConfig中新建DWORD值。4 第一个名为BypassTPMCheck,数值数据为00000001。5 第二个名为BypassSecureBootCheck,数值数据为00000001,保存即可。注意事项 仅供参考 ...
3. Rename “This PC” as “My Computer” If you have been using Windows for a while, you must be knowing that “This PC” icon was popularly known as “My Computer” in the older versions of Windows. If you still like using its earlier name, you can Rename “This PC” as “My C...
As soon as you do that,you will see the “This PC” icon on the desktop. As I said earlier, My Computer is called This PC on Windows 11. If you right-click the This PC icon and select “Show more options”, you will see additional options to open tools like Computer Management. S...
“This PC” on Windows 11 displays the quick access folders such as Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures and Videos, and most importantly all your devices and hard drives in a file explorer window. It is usually the the first place to visit to when you want to browse to a fol...
解决方案:① 除 win11 的之外,再下载一个 Win10 镜像文件;② 将 Win10 镜像文件内 source 文件夹下的 install.wim 替换为 Win11 镜像文件内同文件夹下的同名文件,③ 然后再使用 Win10 镜像文件制作启动盘或点击 setup.exe 文件进行安装。这个方法不知行不行的,我还没有尝试,你可以试试看.
this pc doesn't meet the minimum requitrements to install thes version of windows for more ...
I backed up my personal files and attempted to get an updated clean install of Windows 11 using "Reset This PC" in the Update & Security section of Settings. I asked it to "clean" the filespace. It w... Thanks so much. I tried that last night, but ran into a ...
2. This PC can’t run Windows 11 TPM 2.0 is a requirement for running Windows 11 Windows 11 upgrade requires Trusted Platform Module (TPM) version 2.0, which is a security module soldered to the motherboard in the form of a chip. It supports many security features of Windows 11, like ...
I'm trying to upgrade my old PC to Windows 11, but I'm encountering a problem. The error message says, "This PC doesn't meet the minimum requirements for...
1. This PC can run Windows 11. Great news - this PC meets all the system requirements for Windows 11. 2. This PC can't run Windows 11. While This PC doesn't meet system requirements on Windows 11. If you received the first message, congratulation. You can directly update to Windows ...