While I understand your frustrations about this situation, I've reviewed how to best answer This or That Quiz questions and how to properly submit feedback. As this thread is turning into more of a complaint thread, I'm going to lock it down. Please continue to reach out to Rewards sup...
Whenyouareaskedan“OR”question,howdoanswer?Orquestionsarechoices.It’salmostthesameasamultiple-choicequestiononaquiz.Let’shavesomefunwithafew“OR”questionchoices.Wouldyouratherliveina teacupORunderamushroom?Iwouldratherliveunderamushroom.Whataboutyou?Wouldyourathereat potatochipsORa banana?Iwouldlikea...
Ready to make tough decisions and have fun? A get-together wouldn’t be complete without a round of the classic “This or That” game! This fun and interactive game is sure to get the conversation flowing and provide entertainment for everyone. And with our list of over fun questions, you...
1 thattherewerefewcarsontheroad. 2 ,amoosejumpedoutacrossourpath.Ihadbeen drivingforyearsandwas 3 indriving.Inordertoavoidknocking 4 themoose,Imadea quickturntotheotherlane.IfIhadnotdonethat,themoosemighthavebeenkilled,andmywife andImighthavegot 5 ,too.Afewsecondslater,whenIstoppedandlookedbackinmy...
This Trivia Quiz app contains 3000+ trivia quizzes for you with no access limit. In this app you can crack and answer the quizzes in different categories such a…
When creating your this or that quiz remember that interesting answers require good questions. And since this is easier said than done, we’re here to help! Below are 100+ this or thats, broken down into four of the most popular categories. With this list of questions, there’s no stoppi...
In the rise of sexual revolution and the women’s movement, the tennis match between Billie Jean and Bobby Riggs was billed as a battle and this served as a cultural spectacle. This Quiz on Battle of the Sexes is only for geniuses. Are you one of them? Questions and Answers ...
NOTE:Typing out full answers can be tiresome to players, especially if there are many questions in the quiz. For this reason, we suggest allowing users to enter single characters to answer. If you look at the Marvel or DC quiz above, you’ll notice DC answers have a ‘/D’ after them...
Create your own Quiz Have you ever looked at the earth and wonder what secrets it holds from the lakes, seas and the major environmental sites that most people can’t explain? One way to understand it all is by taking up geology as most of your questions will get answered there. Do you...
Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage: People with disabilities comprise a large part of the population. It is estimated that over 35 million Americans have physical, mental, or other disabilities. About half of these disabilities are “developmental”, i. e. , they occur prio...