This one's a doozy. Here Jimmy DiResta uses an interesting technique to shape leather for a backpack, creates his own latching system out of brass, and designs the straps in such a way that they can be transformed from backpack-style to messenger-bag-style: Carrying Tray with Locking Woode...
Ahhhhh...there's nothing like a good popcorn flick to end the year, and this one is a doozy. It stars Chris Evans as a passenger on a post-apocalyptic super train containing humanity's last survivors, who celebrate New Year's each time it has completed crossing the globe. Directed by ...
I've been critical before about the bugs that creep into these new updates, but this one is a doozy. Ignoring the lack of information and website update, from the comments above this new update has introduced the following problems: for me live streaming is indifferent!! version 1.4.8 (11...
Subtronics And Alison Wonderland Unleash Monstrous New Collab, “No One Does It Like” Warning: buckle up and hang on tight—this next track is a doozy. When it comes to heavy hitters, few hit... Apr 18, 2024 Bangin Dimension & Alison Wonderland Deliver Highly-Anticipated ID “Satellite”...
This one is a doozy--and disturbing to boot. Long story short: Jaquez started speaking with a woman on the app Skout. According to the woman, she and Jaquez were in a long distance relationship for nearly two years, yet had never met. She stated that she noticed a change in Jaquez...
I've tried many camera apps, and this one has the best feature-to-cost ratio on the Google Play Store. Here's what you're missing out on.
As First Dates Go, This One Was a DoozyRENEE MONTAGNE
HBO ain't lacking, but this one's a doozy if you take the time. Elsewhere on the dial, we've gotBetter Call Sauldoing God-level storytelling,Better Thingshitting us with that raw reality, andBriarpatchdelivering on the promises made during its premiere. Exciting time to reall...
Walter responds, "I believe this one's 72 inches." Jackson, even at only 8, spews out a totally grandpa response, stutter and all, "72, that's, that's, that's nice." Having doubts that he's only 8? He is quickly humbled by his mother having to relay to him that 72 inches is...