在上面的例子中,我们使用call()和apply()方法将对象myObject绑定到了this上。这使得我们在greet()函数中可以通过this引用myObject对象。 总结 this是JavaScript中的一个关键字,用于引用函数执行的上下文对象。它的行为取决于函数的调用方式。在全局作用域中,this指向全局对象,而当函数作为对象的方法调用或构造函数调用时...
其本质就是BaseObject中的this为新建的obj的this,这个this与之前被赋予的Food的this是没有任何关联的 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function/call bind Thebind()method creates a new function that, when called, has itsthiskeyword set to the provided va...
myNumber = 20; // add 'myNumber' property to global object return a + b; } // sum() is invoked as a function // this in sum() is a global object (window) sum(15, 16); // => 31 window.myNumber; // => 20 当调用 sum(15, 16) 的时候,JavaScript 会自动将 this 指向全局...
JavaScript Object(对象)之:对象方法,"this"(四) 通常创建对象来表示真实世界中的实体,如用户和订单等: let user ={ name:"John", age:30}; 并且,在现实世界中,用户可以进行操作:从购物车中挑选某物、登录和注销等。 在JavaScript 中,行为(action)由属性中的函数来表示。
// "this" inside this function will have the value of the window object // because the showFullName () function is defined in the global scope, just like the firstName and lastName console.log (this.firstName +" "+this.lastName); ...
In the above example, when you passobj.WhoIsThisas a parameter to the SomeFunction() thenthispoints to global window object insted of obj, becauseobj.WhoIsThis()will be executed as a global function by JavaScript engine. You can solve this problem by explicitly settingthisvalue using bind(...
function showThis() { console.log(this);}showThis(); // Logs the global object (window in browsers)严格模式 在严格模式 () 中,在没有上下文的情况下调用的函数内部是 .'use strict';thisundefined 例:'use strict';function showThis() { console.log(this);}showThis(); // undefined 此...
var obj = new Object(); obj.f = function () { console.log(this === obj); } function fn(){ obj.f.apply(obj); } $('#button').on('click', fn); //true //$('#button').on('click', o.f.bind(obj)); //true 上面的硬绑定相当于固定了this的对象,不会变了。 我们可以做个软...
代码语言:javascript 复制 functionsum(a,b){console.log(this===window);// => truethis.myNumber=20;// add 'myNumber' property to global objectreturna+b;}// sum() is invoked as a function// this in sum() is a global object (window)sum(15,16);// => 31window.myNumber;// => ...