在注册谷歌账号时,小伙伴常常遇到困扰,特别是在手机号码这一步,系统经常会提示”This phone number cannot be used for verification.”(电话号码无法用于进行验证),本篇教程就带大家使用10分钟的时间注册一个Goolge账号。 2022注册谷歌账号基本都不是号码本身引起的,换新号码往往也没用,这里介绍几个靠谱的Gmail邮箱注...
针对您提出的“this phone number cannot be used for verification.”问题,以下是根据您的提示进行的分析和建议,由于此问题主要涉及服务验证流程和策略,而非直接编码问题,因此不包含代码片段。 1. 确认问题背景 用户在使用某个服务时,尝试使用特定的电话号码进行验证,但系统返回了错误信息,指出该电话号码无法用于验证...
请提供一个电话号码即可继续,Google只会将此电话号码用于确保账号安全。 但是输入自己的电话号码会提示此电话号码无法用于进行验证/此电话号码已多次用于验证,香港繁体版本则提示这个电话号码的验证次数过多,This phone number cannot be used for verification./This phone number has already been used too many times ...
When you see this Phone Number Cannot Be Used for Verification, it simply means that you have exceeded the number of Gmail accounts required per a single phone number and cannot open a Gmail account using that very phone number. When creating a newGmail accountor Google account, kindly know ...
注册google账号遇到This phone number cannot be used for verification.怎么办? google 有用关注1收藏 回复 阅读20.2k 1 个回答 得票最新 King 1.5k115166 发布于 2017-07-03 网上找了一圈,发现一个办法: 手机安装一个gmail APP,然后注册,就可以了。 同一个手机号,网页上不能用,app里注册就可以用了,诡异...
To avoid this, you must therefore find a different approach. If you’re here to find the answer, we’d be happy to help. How to Fix This Phone Number Cannot be Used for Verification Method 1: Use Google Voice Number for Verification ...
“2-Step Verification,We're sorry,but this phone number cannot be used.Try another verification ...
cannonbard theory of cannonstournament cannot allocate tempo cannot be moved away cannot be repaired cannot delete primary cannot find system fi cannot fire cannot help it cannot read the usage cannot see the wood f cannot stand cannot take this anym cannotcouldnt help cannotcant cannotdecidewhich...
aYour credit card cannot be used because we cannot verify the 3-digit verification number for your card. This number is a 3-digit number printed on the back of your card. It appears after and to the right of your credit card number. Please check the number you entered and try using t...
Step 3.For user verification, you will be asked to enter certain personal information about you. In this case, it asks for the phone number. Then, click onContinue. Type Your Phone Number Step 4.If you use your Apple ID with other devices, a prompt will appear on those devices. TapAll...