This excerpt from A Generative Theory of Tonal Music .Lerdahl, FredJackendoff, RaySebastian, Johann
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The kinds of sound that can be used for musical purposes are amazingly varied.Throughout the cultures of the world, East and West, a virtually limitless array of sounds has been employed in the service of musical expression. Listen to Oriental theatre music, then to an excerpt from a Wagner...
Here’s some of the things ‘Alexa, play me some Bruno Mars.’ [faint music] ‘Alexa, stop!’ She can play music like that…‘Alexa, what’s the weather today?’‘You can expect clouds with a low of 15 degrees.’ So, there’s the weather.” (August 20, 2018) In this excerpt,...
“I have changed a lot,” she told the Huffington Post. “In October, we had 30 kids at our house! We have hosted parties with lots of food and music.” Last January, the Wall Street Journal published an excerpt (节选) from Chua’s book with the headline “Why Chinese Mothers Are ...
Hall and Oates is on the jukebox, and Percy --- who has no talent for music, just lots of opinions about it --- can’t stop herself from overanalyzing the song, indulging what she knows to be her most annoying habit. But something is different tonight. The guy beside her at the ...
What stands out most clearly is the flow of the blue, as if the water of the three streams merges into a delta of the open mind-heart-will, moving out into an unknown place of calling, as gestured or conducted by Earth herself . . . a note on these images: all the pictures you ...
William Shakespeare was an English poet who is considered one of the greatest writers to ever use the English language. He is also the most famous playwright in the world, with his plays being translated into over 50 languages and performed across the globe for audiences of all ages. Known ...
11. Which of the following provides a typical example of poisoning the well? A. That s my stance on funding the education system, and anyone who disagrees with me hates children. B. You are so weird. That means—we are pretty much sure—that your whole family is weird, too. ...
Here’s an excerpt from the press release: Fiasp® can be dosed at the beginning of a meal or within 20 minutes after starting a meal. Fiasp® is a new formulation of NovoLog®, in which the addition of niacinamide (vitamin B3) helps to increase the speed of the initial insulin ...