Puthandu 2025 The Tamil New Year is praised on the main day of the Hindu Solar Calendar. Prominently known as Puthandu, the Tamil New Year is praised with feasts in Hindu homes and the passageways to the houses are Family Holidays Culture 13 Apr 2025 13 Apr 2025 Plan Now Amritsar...
Adani already had a gas-line project in the DMK-led Tamil Nadu; the Communist Government in Kerala had awarded the business house the contract to manage, operate and maintain a large port; Adani had built a major port in Naveen Patnaik’s Odisha; even the Congress-led Rajasthan Government h...
Akhanda Bhajan that has been a regular fixture for the second saturday and sunday of the birthday month in the Prasanthi Calendar ever since its inception came bit early this year. 1st of November being the first sunday of the week and 8th November coming as the second sunday, Akhanda Bhajan...
One of the users trying to solve the brain teaser commented, “The first number of each month is in ascending order not sure about the other number, which is why November starts with 11 and January starts with 1”. Also Read:Brain teaser: Only the ...
Marathi is followed by Tamil, with 63 million speakers. Next comes Turkish, the language spoken in Turkey, and it has 59 million speakers. Number 18, Urdu is spoken by 58 million people. Gujarati has 44 million speakers, and Polish is also spoken by 44 million people. Number 21, which ...