A curated Smart Contract related academic papers. All papers are sorted based on the conference name and published year.Welcome developers or researchers to add more published papers to this list.You can find my TLDR notes for some papers....
A collection of papers related to knowledge distillation of large language models (LLMs). If you want to use LLMs for benefitting your own smaller models training, or use self-generated knowledge to achieve the self-improvement, just take a look at this collection. We will update this collec...
LayerFillSlider LayoutEditorPart LayoutPanel LayoutPoints LayoutTransform LeftArrowAsterisk LeftBorder LeftCarriageReturn LeftColumnOfTwoColumnsRightSplit LeftSideOnly LegacyPackage 圖例 LESSStyleSheet LevelAll LevelEight LevelEleven LevelFive LevelFour LevelNine LevelOne LevelSeven LevelSix LevelTen LevelThree Le...
API for Querying Orders Related to Specific Purchase Records API for Sending Key Subscription Event Notifications via Notification Service v1 API for Sending Key Order or Subscription Event Notifications via Notification Service v2 Notification About a Key Event of Pending Purchase Data Models Res...
You can collect the user activity logs. Activities related to most of theStorebrowsecommands are saved in the log file. You can find the log files within the following location: ${HOME}/.ICAClient/logs/userActivitylog/ By default, the user activity logs are enabled. For more information, se...
design pattern question (repository pattern - service layer) Desktop User Productivity time monitoring using C# Windows Service Application Destructor vs Dispose vs Finalize? Detect a property change on any control Detect and select COM port Detect ctrl+c in windows forms C# Detect encoding of the ...
A note to our customers Adobe provides this searchable PDF of archived technical support documents as a service to our customers who own and continue to enjoy older, unsupported versions of our software products. The information in these documents is not updated, and will become increasingly less ...
selection.deselect() return false; } baseLayer=activeDocument.activeLayer; activeDocument.quickMaskMode = false; activeDocument.selection.deselect() var layerName = activeDocument.activeLayer.name //if a selection can't be made, stop running the script var idCpTL =...
C# static Data Access Layer C# Stop Socket.Accept() C# stop/start code from - to day of week and time C# stored procedure timeout randomly, whereas it takes only 2s in SQL Server Management Studio c# StreamWriter to save data in csv file. C# String Replace() not working? C# Syntax: ...
Most popular true crime podcasts keep the perspective of a single narrator, but Pinnamaneni sprinkles in just enough input from regular hosts Alex Goldman and Pj Vogt to add a conversational, illustrative layer to Modrowski’s story. Pinnamaneni’s reporting is extensive and forthright, the ...