听到广播电台上反复播放 God Bless America 这首歌曲,Guthrie 很是反感,于是就写下了This Land Is Your Land 作为反驳,最初的标题是 God Bless America for me,带有明显的Sarcasm,有些堵气的成分。 This Land Is Your Land音乐:Elizabeth Mitchell ...
(人教PEP)四年级英语下册课件 unit3 Is this your skirt 第一课 热度: PRESENTATIONBY:BENBUHL ThisLandIsYourLand By:WoodyGuthrie Lyrics Chorus:Thislandisyourland,thislandismy landFromCalifornia,totheNewYorkIslandFromthe redwoodforest,tothegulfstreamwatersThislandwas ...
This Land (Remix) - Gary Clark Jr./The Roots/Black Thought Lyrics by:Gary Clark Jr./Woody Guthrie/Tariq Trotter Uh yeah Paranoid and pissed off Now that I got the money Fifty acres and a model A Right in the middle of Trump country I told you There goes a neighborhood ...
Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings – This Land Is Your Land (Woody Guthrie cover) George Michael – Faith Leonard Cohen – Partisan (Melle Kuil deep house mix) David Bowie – Young Americans (Impeach the President remix) George Michael – Too Funky ...
This Land Is Your Land 的作者名叫 Woody Guthrie,生于1912年、故于1967年,是美国近代民歌音乐的著名作者和歌手。 Guthrie 写作 This Land Is Your Land 这首歌曲、是在1940年。当时,由 Irving Berlin 所创作的著名爱国歌曲 God Bless America 新近面世,歌曲中祈求 God 保佑 America、充满溢美之词,但对当时...
Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings – This Land Is Your Land (Woody Guthrie cover) George Michael – Faith Leonard Cohen – Partisan (Melle Kuil deep house mix) David Bowie – Young Americans (Impeach the President remix) George Michael – Too Funky ...
Ahead of the release of Pete Seeger: The Smithsonian Folkways Collection anthology (pre-order here), which follows similar releases celebrating 100 years of Woody Guthrie and Lead Belly by Smithsonian Folkways, check out this previously unreleased “This Land Is Your Land” below. Get weekly rundow...
This Land Is Your Land - Woody Guthrie This is a truly great American song. I wish that this were our song were our national anthem instead of the bombastic wreck of a song we're currently stuck with. This song is about sharing the bounty of our land and resources with our brothers ...
Beset by an urgent desire to explore, some journeyed west to populate Europe; others east to inhabit much of Asia; and still others north through Siberia and across the Bering land bridge to settle the Americas. As geneticists will tell you, the quickest way to acquire an adaptive biological...
New music releases:Everybody Else is Doing It, So Why Can't We?- The Cranberries;Ten Summoner's Tales- Sting;Are You Gonna Go My Way?- Lenny Kravits;This Time- Dwight Yoakam On the 29th, Pete attends the first dress rehearsal forThe Who's Tommyon Broadway. He has his first alcoholi...