class Demo { public void getName() { System.out.println("Studytonight"); } public Demo display() { // return current object return this; } public static void main(String[] args) { Demo d = new Demo(); Demo d1 = d.display(); d1.getName(); } } ...
What are the uses of this keyword in java - The this keyword in Java is a reference to the object of the current class. Using it, you can refer a field, method or, constructor of a class.Referring to a field using this keywordAs discussed you can refer a
Learn: this keyword in Java, in this article we will learn about this Reference, how it can be used when both the Member Name and Parameter name of any method are same.
3、thiskeyword thiskeyword可用于在不论什么实例方法内指向当前对象,也可指向对其调用当前方法的对象,或者在须要当前类型对象引用时使用。 注:当一个类的属性名或成员变量与訪问该属性的方法參数名同样时,则须要使用thiskeyword来訪问类中的属性。以区分类的属性和方法中的參数。 4、superkeyword 因为子类不能继承父...
In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at the this Java keyword. In Java, this keyword is a reference to the current object whose method is being called. Let’s explore how and when we can use the keyword. 2. Disambiguating Field Shadowing The keyword is useful for disambiguating ...
java基础 this keyword! 为了程序的可读性,通常将一个类中的表示同一属性的变量进行统一的命名。可是这样做又会导致成员变量与局部变量名字冲突导致无法訪问成员变量。为了解决问题,java中引入了this这个keyword!所以this 的作用就是用于在方法中訪问对象的其它成员!
Using the this KeywordWithin an instance method or a constructor, this is a reference to the current object— the object whose method or constructor is being called. You can refer to any member of the current object from within an instance method or a constructor by using this. Using this ...
Machine Learning Engineer Resume Guide Ebook Introduction to this Keyword in C# Article YouTube Keyword Research Ideas Tutorial JavaScript DOM Tutorial: 2020 Edition Tutorial Bridging The Gap Between HIPAA & Cloud Computing: What You Need To Know Today ...
>> To find the length (number of elements) of the array element we have to use length keyword such a way as described below: string[] cars = {“volvo”, “MG”, “ford”}; System.out.println (cars.length); Output-> 3 Jagged Array in java: ...
'this' keywordthis keyword in Scala is used to refer to the object of the current class. Using this keyword you can access the members of the class like variables, methods, constructors.In Scala, this keyword can be used in two different ways,...