Kate:I went to buy a dressing and nothing fit, literally nothing. Everything looks terrible. I’m not losing weight. I’m starving … Toby:Look, we have had three lunches and four dinner dates…. Our plane is rapidly approaching the boyfriend...
不知道托比和凯特把盘子都放哪了 Don't know where Toby and Kate put their dishes. 他们行李都没怎么拆封 They've barely even unpacked. -猜猜今天谁过生日啊 -你来啦 - Guess whose birthday it is, huh? - Hi. -生日蛋糕 -别别别 - Birthday cake. - No, no, no, no. 别碰蛋糕 Don't tou...
于是他下定决心fire了Kate,终于给了他们两人独自生活的勇气和机会。 这时,Toby才真正进入了Kate的生活。 Toby是个非常幽默的男人,他可以在敬老院里精心打造一场盛大的“红毯秀”,只是为了让Kate敢于在人群面前唱歌;他可以和Kate一起节食;他可以在圣诞节坐六个小时的飞机来到Kate家里与她复合……他总是想尽各种办法...
其中,斯特林·K·布朗(Sterling K. Brown)饰演兰德尔·皮尔森(Randall Pearson),曼迪·摩尔(Mandy Moore)饰演丽贝卡·皮尔森(Rebecca Pearson),克里斯汀·米歇尔·梅茨(Christine Michelle Metz/Chrissy Metz)饰演凯特·皮尔森(Kate Pearson)。贾斯汀·哈特利 (Justin Hartley) 饰演凯文·皮尔森 (Kevin Pearson),苏珊·卡...
《This is us》之(二)奇怪狗血的剧情? 这篇剧评可能有剧透 hey mom?hey miguel?妈妈脖子上的带着Jack送的月牙项链,而身边的人已经不是当年呢个不想睡的离自己太远的爱人了。Toby(这个幽默的胖子好可爱)How are you losing weight and I am not?Can I be honest with you?Yeah,please.I think I’m ...
而这样的家庭剧抢眼之处就在于剧情,在于这根故事线,This is us最开始的时候就是因为This is real 才获得大家的好评,如果用这样的不现实的夸张考验观众的承受能力的话,可能我们需要重新审视它了。 当然,我们还是应该保留最初的那些期待:Jack是怎么死的,Kate和Toby之后怎么样了, Kevin搞砸了这出戏,后面是怎样。
Kate Pearson and Toby Damon are headed for a divorce in This Is Us. But will their split help or hurt the series going forward?
我们这一天 第三季 This Is Us Season 3第5集 小小托比 本集中文名:小小托比 本集原名:Toby 播放时间:2018-10-23星期二(当地时间) 剧情简介: Kate and Toby try to keep busy while waiting for big news; Randall embarks on a new journey; Kevin meets someone from Jack's past. ...
And one of those reveals was a bombshell that rivaled the twist at the end of the series premiere: Kate (Chrissy Metz) and Toby’s (Chris Sullivan) baby boy Jack is blind and the adult blind man singing to a packed house at the Greek Theatre, who met for the first time in this ...
This is us 第九集剧本01-118 这118句台词我总结了5个要点。 1.第5句Toby说了 “You're just gonnathrow me away?” 这个词组在这句话里的意思是“甩了我” 那它还有其他意思吗?你可以字典求证。我给大家推荐的是免费不用翻墙的 cambridge dictionary,百度搜索即可,比如: ...