This Is the End: Directed by Evan Goldberg, Seth Rogen. With James Franco, Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel. Six Los Angeles celebrities are stuck in James Franco's house after a series of devastating events just destroyed the city. Inside, the group
《世界末日 This is the End》于2013-06-12(美国)上映。是由塞斯·罗根, 埃文·戈德堡执导, 由塞斯·罗根, 杰森·斯通, 埃文·戈德堡担任主编, 演员蕾哈娜, 大卫·克朗姆霍茨, 克里斯托夫·梅兹-普莱瑟等主演的《世界末日 This is the End》是一部喜剧, 奇幻类型电影。 杰伊(杰伊·巴鲁切尔 Jay Baruchel ...
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这是末端-红色带子的独家剪辑_2013_ - 约拿山电影高清(This Is the End - Red Band Exclusive Clip _2013_ - Jonah Hill Movie HD) 资源编号 : 39807676 格式: mp4 文件体积 : 15m 时长: 01分 11秒 分辨率 : 1280×720 浏览截图 MP4 15m 格式 画质 分辨率 体积 加载中... 加载失败,...
这是一部连及格都算不上的劣质电影,无故事无剧情无人物却只有低级和越炒越冷的笑料的片子,甚至作为好莱坞的片子,本片的电脑特技都那么得不负责任。也许这部电影的名字最能表达我对本片的观点:To the 'talented' Seth Rogen and his buddies, this is TRULY the end。
Although, to be fair, the posters and trailers pretty much reveal what the main threat is. And though we’re not 100% sure having not seen the movie, it’s pretty clear from the aforementioned marketing materials that it’s some sort of extra-terrestrial beings or forces that takes over ...
This is the end 如果说《2001:太空漫游》是科幻片的极致,那么《现代启示录》便是战争片的天花板了。 《2001:太空漫游》老库的构图美学 《现代启示录》电影海报 一.“启示录”中的末日审判 启示录(apocalypse)就其古希腊语词源来看,ἀποκάλυψις由απο(离开)和καλύπτω(隐蔽)两...
this is the end? 看完的时候,我忍不住想用阿黛尔奥斯卡获奖歌曲《skyfall》里的第一句歌词来反问:this is the end? 蓓蓓的电影世界: 我真的好庆幸我没有去电影院浪费钱哟。本来我是十分憧憬此片的。首先是此片的特殊概念,上下颠倒世界;其次,邓斯特与吉姆·斯特吉斯,...
The article reports that a Hawaiian man on November 9, 2013 rented the final movie ever from the video rental store Blockbuster, commenting that the film rented was "This Is the End" by Seth Rogen, and mentions direct-broadcast satellite service provider Dish Network is closing the remaining ...
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet">The last movie ever rented from a blockbuster was this is the end. In high school I would go hang out at blockbuster every day.— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) November 11, 2013</blockquote> Launched in 1985, Blockbuster quickly caught on with millions of ...