But the visit before that, in December, was on a Wednesday, and the one before that—which really shouldn’t count because it was all the way back in July—was also on a Wednesday. So I’m going to stick with my claim that Siri/CarPlay was being stupid for suggesting a trip to Wh...
This, so perfectly, is a written version of the “What the fuck were you thinking” face anyone who knows Faleena will now be looking at her with. How could this woman be THAT stupid, THAT pathetic, and THAT petty? She gives a whole new meaning to the word opportunist. I am among ...
All of these things had repercussions for the once popular R rated raunchy comedy genre (yes, we have raunchy comedies still but they’re almost all heartless unwatchable factory products for stupid people). Leisure Suit Larry is a tribute to the comedy of the early 80s starring a guy who...
This is a clone of an SVN repository at svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/scidvspc/code. It had been cloned by http://svn2github.com/ , but the service was since closed. Please read a closing note on my blog post: http://piotr.gabryjeluk.pl/blog:closing-svn2github
5. Stalemate is a wildly stupid concept All that draw stuff, above, is what I thought ‘stalemate’ meant – you determine no-one can win and it’s a draw. That’s not it! A stalemate is when one player, let’s say white, is left in a position where every move they can make ...
gives you the 🤡, you know exactly what it means. It is a warning sign that you are doing something stupid but, in the grand scheme, harmless. It says, “What you are doing is stupid, you probably know it, and you do not care.” What you do at that moment is entirely up to ...
Another fun way to find local members is to use "Meet Me". This is a matching type game that not only uses your Dating Preferences but other important criteria to show you potentially ideal matches one at a time. For ever person you meet you can either Pass (or swipe left), Like (or...
I should make it clear that this is a very high-level view of a very complex topic. There are actually two different things being tried out right now. The big one is raytracing, which is mostly limited to special tech demos right now. But then there’s path tracing, which is similar...
Again, you're applying the PETA-induced morals of today to historical figures, which is ahistorical and stupid. It was not perceived at the time that this was a "murder". It was not Babar's mother. Of course it's political as the day is long. It's a terribly tendentious wrenching ...
I want "a OS making donuts every day when I wake-up" kind of comments.I hope people realize that when they say "You have this stupid feature, which is not useful to me, instead you should have done this" they are under estimating the effort Microsoft takes to finalize the list of ...