This is our God
A E This is our God
grabbing a bed-sheet from the laundry pile as vestment across my outlawed priestly shoulders to dole out sugar in lieu of transcendent mystery around the sweet table of childhood. But these were stories of another time when I played with God, splashing in the shallow waters of rituals’ river...
The chord charts for “Your Heart” are now available for free download on ourMediapage We have all the sheet music from LANZA’s “Here I Am Again” CD available for download on the Media page, along with a tutorial guitar video you can watch to help you learn the title song “Here ...
“When I was 15 my dad implored me to find the connection between metal guitar I was playing with my garage bands and surf guitar that he grew up listening to, and he told me there was a connection,” Cloudchord said of his motivation for the surf series. “So Dad, this one’s for...
"The thing about this record is that I got the finished mixes on March 11, 2020, two days before the world locked down. I was like, oh my God, I'm not gonna put this record out while the world is locked down because if you're an indie artist, it's really hard to sell stuff ...
36WieAmandaHowellin»ThePowerChordGoestoWar«ausführt,istdiealsAppropriationvonBluesentstan-dene Musikrichtung intrinsisch mit dem gegenderten Narrativ des »boy with a guitar«verknüpft, das im Verlauf der Zeit in eine exzessive hypermaskuline Performance um-schlägt:From the late ...
My heart-tugging caption said, “This is my mom’s last day in her house before moving to assisted living.” Tiktok is an odd medium. You either get a lot of people to watch your video or you’ll get 4. And most of us only get four. But this video struck a chord. And, you ...
sitting atop a lovely chord progression. The Guardian piece was timed to the release of a great album that Dan cut on Bobby Purify in 2005 that is only now seeing the light of day:The Inside Track on Bobby Purify(The Last Music Company). It consists of Dan’s heartfelt demos, followed...
To have lost another travel loving person to suicide struck a chord with me. If you’ve read my blogs, or know me, you’ve heard about Leanne; my bright, shining friend who took herself away from living on this earth. The correlation between the two runs deep. I was given a ...