2023年11月12日年僅13歲出道,現年14歲的日本歌手moya,於1月31日發行了moya第二張單曲「This is My Story (Party Remix)」。 這首歌是第一張單曲「This is My Story」的House風格Remix版,是為了紀念1月28日在Spotify播放量突破60萬而創作的。與第一首單曲一樣,由淺田祐介擔任作曲,而歌詞則是與moya共同創...
搬运,侵删 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqgQr7Eqzlc&t=26s 知识 校园学习 英语 社会 人文 新加坡 文化 人物 历史 黄循财 故事 华人华侨600号w医生 发消息 牛马 接下来播放 自动连播 Analysis 2_2024/1/11_Banach space, linear operator, continuity, L(E, F) 600号w医生 1095 0 从零开始的...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXislHVqurY&t=60s 音乐剧The Story Of My Life韩版2023-2024 clip 曲目:This Is It (이게 전부야) 토마스 위버 Thomas Weaver:이창용 李昌勇앨빈 켈비 Alvin Kelby:정욱진 郑旭珍自制中字,如有错漏,欢迎在弹幕或评论指正,谢谢!
其中,正好從半年前的2023年5月12日開始擔任JK制服品牌Lucy Pop全球模特兒的13歲國中生moya,於2023年11月12日,從自己創立的音樂廠牌moya records開始全世界音樂配信原創歌曲《This Is My Story》,作為音樂家出道。 moya作為目標的藝人為Bruno Mars,而夢想是成為活躍在世界上的音樂家,與父親商量如何把在學校想到的歌...
But if I were to bet, I’d bet this is the only one. And, lemme say… this is weird? The description from YouTube doesn’t add much in the way of an explanation. Is it bliss or a tragedy? A secret game with sexy Japanese idols. Six sexy and utterly cute Japanese gravure idols...
I assumed this is still new in Malaysia. Before engaging Woodie Pie, I google a little about Breastmilk Jewelry Kit, which you can actually DIY yourself. But after looking at the procedures, it is so much hassle. Therefore I decided to send my breastmilk to Woodie Pie, to get it done...
Correct, but if you look at the Github actions, you will see that it runs update-yt-dlp every night. Whenever there is a new update of yt-dlp, this job will automatically push a new commit to the main branch, which will trigger a build and update to Docker hub. Long story short: ...
Choose your focus carefully. You need to pinpoint the most important through-line of your story. What you pick must bedynamic: you need to describe action, conflict, challenge. The easiest way to phrase your logline is tostate the genre, anattributeof the main character, and what the char...
You can submit agents even if you are not the author, but it is preferred that the author do it themselves. If you wish to have your agent removed, or believes the description does not properly describe your agent, please open the issue or pull request.🕶...
“Fed up getting no views on your YouTube content? Watching this video will solve that problem.” The Intro Once the hook has been established, it should be followed by an introduction. The goal here is to introduce yourself, highlight the key points of your video, and explain to ...