the katana(武士刀)and walked down stairs.I searched the entire house until I found a puppy,so cute and(6) C.I couldn't help but (7) Cat this creature.I decided to keep it and named it Arthur.His eyes were blue like a husky dog.Maybe a mixed breed?I thought as...
surlier relatives. The second is theSnowfallen Wampa Cubwhich has a snowball for a head and two eyes and a nose made out of coal; it made me laugh the first time I saw it, and continues to bring a smile to my face whenever it comes out during...
1 My heart is bursting with a new song; lyrics to my king erupt like a spring for my king, to my king; my tongue is the pen of a poet, ready and willing.2 Better by far are you than all others, my king; gracious words flow from your lips; indeed, God has blessed you forever...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
Right in the midst of Limp Bizkit’s Still Sucks album, coming fresh off the nu metal banger “Turn It Up Bitch,” is a change of pace many never saw coming. Not only does Limp Bizkit cover INXS’ new wave hit “Don’t Change,” but they turn it into a tender-hearted acoustic bal...
To start off, it will be difficult to breed royal plecos because oftheir size and their aggression towards their own species.However, that will not be a problem because there is little to no information about royal pleco breeding in a tank. Even if there has been some success in this area...
Manowar fans are an entirely different breed of metalhead. With tens of thousands of die hard faithfuls screaming “If you are not into metal / you are not my friend,” the power of their live performances is immense. The defenders of true steel valiantly sing about the genre we all love...
Their training is unbelievable. Going into that fight, Butterbean had 40 professional fights. I myself had never boxed before, except in the back alleys and as a kid growing up. I never put gloves on, and I did this Brawl For All. I went and actually trained ...