but I mostly overcame my Japanese accent in English after years of practice (I currently live outside Japan). A few years ago I met a Japanese exchange student and she thought I was not Japanese after she heard me speak English. When I talked to her in Japanese, she said to me 「...
13.Can you unzip me? ファスナーを開けてくれる? nas_ub_i 18 4월 2022 일본어 すごく自然な日本語訳ばかりです(*^_^*) なので、 7.You buttoned your shirt wrong. ボタンは間違ってるね。 →ボタンを掛け違えてるね。
このシャツを着たくないよ。別のシャツを取って。8.I will wear this coat tomorrow,too.私は明日もこのコートを着るよ。9.When did you buy these pants?いつこのズボンを買ったの?10.This jacket is too girlish/boyish.このジャケットは女の子っぽい/男の子っぽい。
我々はこのエラーの原因についてのそれ以上のインフォメーションのために他の電子メールプロバイダと連絡を取ることを勧めます。他のサーバーが返したエラーがそうである:554 554のすまなく思っている、無効なメッセージ内容(# 5.3.2 ) (公式の18)。
but I mostly overcame my Japanese accent in English after years of practice (I currently live outside Japan). A few years ago I met a Japanese exchange student and she thought I was not Japanese after she heard me speak English. When I talked to her in Japanese, she said to me 「...