I’ve also had a good bit of reporting from deep inside the Trump camp that this is the one thing that Donald Trump feared. He has always considered himself to be the ultimate disrupter. And for the first time — not just in his political life, but the first time in his media life,...
In service to Satan it was the Jewish international bankers who Devastated Russia and China with communism. Lenin's prophecy was to make Europe and all the World Communist. It's happening recognize it for what it is. It's Communism. It’s not at all inco
When Trump Goes Looking for a Media Brawl, This Feared Lawyer Steps in (Posted 2016-10-16 21:17:34) ; Attorney Marc Kasowitz Has Gained a Reputation for Aggression in Waging Legal WarHarwell, Drew
The agency's disease forecastersestimatedon April 4 that the U.S. would likely reach 300 measles cases this year, above most recent years. "It's important to remember that the overall measles outbreak risk to the general population is low; however, measles cases ...
GOV. RON DESANTIS (R-FL): I have what we think is the strongest election integrity measures in the country. I'm actually going to sign it right here. JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: These laws make it harder to vote. That's not a good thing. STEPHANOPOULOS: Trump's ...
frozen artist husband (RZA, who appears in flashbacks), feared art critic Elizabeth stomps into the lab and Alejandro's life like a dragon. She's cloaked in shiny leathers, jagged knits, and other costuming choices that signal she's known privilege and power; she is not to be fucked ...
As to whyPresident Trumpused his coronavirus pandemic wartime powers to first fight against his globalist-socialist enemies on the oil war front, this report explains, is because he knows the battle plan created for him by theImperial College COVID-19 Response Teamisn’t worth the paper its pr...
The man who offered to help lift a stroller down the stairs even though he already had a bag. My high school boyfriend who taught me tomorrow is spelled "tom-or-row." The man at the laundromat who knew exactly what I needed to hear at that time in my life. ...
Ray: This is Superman. This is the purest Superman comic I’ve seen since the Johns/Frank run, and it does an amazing job of reminding everyone who reads it exactly why this guy is DC’s greatest hero. So why didn’t it catch on? I blameConvergence, the “AU stigma” of the boo...
But I thought she was going to come out with some of these memorable lines, all the memorable lines were from Donald Trump." Watters said that ultimately, this debate probably made the race tighter. Share This is a modal window. An unanticipated problem was encountered...