So for example, if I am interested in the anthropologist Margaret Mead, I will search her name on Wikidata and discover that she isQ180099. She is described by many properties. For example, she is “an instance of” (P31) “Q5”, which means “human”. Her “sex or gender” (P21)...
Matomo aims to be a Free software alternative to Google Analytics and is already used on more than 1,400,000 websites. Privacy is built-in! Mission Statement « To create, as a community, the leading international open source digital analytics platform, that gives every user full control of...
I have a 2D cellular automaton open source projecthere, where the automaton is basically this: exportinterfaceCA{i:Uint8ClampedArray;load:Uint8ClampedArray;max: number;move:Array<RuleType> |Array<(n:Uint8ClampedArray) =>number>;n:Uint8ClampedArray;save:Uint8ClampedArray;size:...
The information must suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because modification has been made. If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or specifically for use in, a User Product...
This plugin defines a global object, which provides an API for taking pictures and for choosing images from the system's image library.Although the object is attached to the global scoped navigator, it is not available until after the deviceready event.document...
Show me an example of how Firefox violates a JavaScript standard. (If it actually does, I'll gladly submit a bug) "- Page formatting on various sites." HA, no. View source, I guarantee the problem is in the web developer. "- Pop-up blocker a bit "too active"." Actually I ...
I believe I need to ADD more Memory as its 4GB total and SQL is allowed for 3. During non-peak time itself SQL uses 2.5Gigs and total usage is around 3.8GB which leave only few MB's for OS and cant think when INTEGRITY is running!!!
First,thisalways refers to the first parentfunction. In your case it is: this.growAPlant=function(timeRate){//contentvarthat =this;// this is growAPlant} And this.checkElementExists=function(coordinates){ } Is accessible withMeadowobject. However, yourvar thatis referring tothis.growAPlant ...
this year is special as many of us cannot meet anyone who does not live with us, easier to feel isolated. I, therefore, would like to make full use of "Earth Day" and "World Book Day" to start an online event to share the books we read, let us feel we are aparted but connected...
Java is one of the major practical and widely-used languages that fall within the Object Oriented family. Many institutions use Java as a first-year teaching language and generally teach the Java course is intended to: 1. Provide all of our students with exp...