and then theres you and then we die and then whoever has and theological syste and there was a littl and there was much mu and therell be a day and theres no moutain and theres no way hom and they also said th and they answered jes and they asked him sa and they assembled al and...
He did not stand stolidly baring his furry belly to the missile, and die with an upward glance at the sympathetic heavens. On the c 感到的青年时期胜利在这陈列。 有法律,他说。 自然给了他一个标志。 灰鼠,立刻在认可危险,采取了对他的腿,不用骚扰。 他没有站立stolidly露出他毛茸的腹部到导弹...
They have all been so hopeful and positive and bearing such lovely gifts. i am hoping the new drug regime will do the job. One of them has got to work. We were very frustrated that my chemo drugs were left behind at UCLH, after such a long wait on Friday and poor Colin had to ...
It was the ghoulish shade of decay, antiquity, and desolation; the putrid, dripping eidolon of unwholesome revelation; the awful baring of that which the merciful earth should always hide. God knows it was not of this world—or no longer of this world—yet to my horror I saw in its ...
Moreover, the procoagulant effect of multiple myeloma itself and its treatment has also been proven. However, there is no proven information regarding the potential synergistic effects of both neoplasm and NETs on hypercoagulability in plasma cell dyscrasias. As mentioned above, both NETs and PCDs...