Tube Girl One day, during a long commute in the bustling heart of London’s subway system, a 22-year-old Malaysian named Sabrina Bassoon, better known as the “Tube Girl,” started recording herself dancing on the tube and uploading it on TikTok. It was the day the TikTok sensation “Tu...
First Girl I Lovedis no romcom, and it is serious. But it does manage to deal with difficult issues and give us a sense of both catharsis and hope, even as it leaves many things unresolved. It doesn’t make the empty promise that so many teens are barraged with that “it gets bett...
Let's fire everyone I'm always flabbergasted that many people's first reaction is that someone should be fired for making a mistake. Really?? Very few mistakes warrant being fired. If an engineer designed a bridge that collapsed due to an error on their part, then that's probably terminati...
Should authors to sue each other for having Fabio on their covers? What about having strange girl in a dress looking over her shoulder? Last year there was a meme of comparing movie posters of characters kneeling down. I did my own book display of “oops! I lost my shirt!” and had ...
Girlcoin GIRL Inactive Development Inactive Twitter Low Volume Not indexed Not Listed on exchanges Website Down Givecoin GIVE Inactive Development Inactive Twitter Low Volume Not indexed Not Listed on exchanges Website Down Giza Device GIZA Inactive Development Inactive Twitter Low Volume Not Listed on...
We all know those people exist. Temple Grandin’s mother knew they exist. She chose to listen to her sense and raise the girl as any child. Tell your friends this: Being a parent of an autistic child is like being a parent to ANY child. ...
“Distracted boyfriend” first entered the memegame in 2017, when a Turkish Facebook group used a stock photo of a man walking with a girl while checking out another girl to make a joke about Phil Collins. The meme continues to be relevant today while being used as inspiration for pop cul...
Based on the popular Gunshow comic strip “On Fire” and subsequent “This is Fine” Internet meme and GIF from creator-artist KC Green, the figure measures approximately 3.75 inches tall and comes packaged in a window display box. Really — this is fine! The "This Is Fine" Pop! Vinyl ...
well the g+ profile photo says otherwise, not that women aren't capable but i wondered who this girl is who is working in forensics, visited your twitter and blogger Reply May 24, 2012 Maciej Babiński+10 Hey guys, I just got here. Anybody interested in hearing about how Nikola ...
Please go about your business. *This post brought to you by the girl at Salt & Straw who literally fell into her friend’s laps trying to get out of my way last Sunday. Categories: Awareness, Dealing With It, DMETags: Awareness WARRIORRRR, Dear Ableds, PSA, SS Opportunity Body...