three-waycord threemountainproblem threebirds threecomponentsofthec threedaystoseeexcerpt threedimensionalgraph threee-strand continu threemomenttheorem threeoverfourcurvilin threephaseconnection threepointedcatchingf threepointlinkage threepositionfour-way threeringfunnelshelf threewaycontrolvalve thres hold rgb ...
They confirm that online users indicated that they believed that there is a connection between the source’s trustworthiness in terms of its dependability, and the degree to which they believe that using such an AI generative system will help them improve their job performance. Similar effects were...
The Bowie Baysox, established as the Baltimore Orioles' Double-A affiliate in 1993, have always referenced Chesapeake Bay in their name. Today, during an unveiling event at Annapolis's Chesapeake Bay Foundation, this connection was made explicit: The Bowie Baysox are now the Chesapeake Baysox....
MPOX does not exist as anything more than a marketing construct to boost stocks create fear and fuck the public. What kind of sick society hacks off part of natural body function? The Unintact States of America (USA) allows and celebrates this torture th
In the Liji 禮記, Ziyi 緇衣 (a chapter also found in Guodian, so more or less contemporaneous with Zhuangzi) we find this passage: 民以君為心,君以民為體;心莊則體舒,心肅則容敬。心好之,身必安之;君好之,民必欲之。心以體全,亦以體傷;君以民存,亦以民亡。The last sentence shows tha...
mac Nov-07-2011 1 vote Permalink Report Abuse EXCERPT FROM THE CAMBRIDGE GRAMAR OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE: We look at the contrast between nominative and accusative cases. [Nominative =he/she; Accusative=him/her] Here we find a considerable amount of variation and instability in the [English]sy...
I’ve said it here many times before, but I don’t think life is easy for anyone. Some people have it much harder than others, but all of us have times when we feel loneliness and despair. Oliver’s poem, of which only an excerpt appears above, speaks to me because of the immense...
A 10 yard head shot is roughly the same as a 20 yard body shot, and our table shows 1.8 as the 100% time. The Modern Samurai Project “black belt” time for a 25 yard body shot is 1.5 sec. Using 1.5 sec as max time makes the test’s 3 second par a 50% drill, using 1.8 ...
It’s clear and understood that the life we live is a temporary one. We live in a foreign land. Examine this excerpt of the Divine Liturgy; “keep us in Your faith.” Being strangers in this foreign land, one could assume, would cause us to question our beliefs, our faith, our heart...
Here is an excerpt from a document by the Narragansett Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, which research is affiliated with NOAA according to the document, and lists Brian McCormick as one individual who contributed to the project. “The NBNERR Site Profile was made possible through the help...