To build, enableFOSSILIZE_VULKAN_LAYERCMake option. This is enabled by default. The layer and JSON is placed inlayer/in the build folder. Linux/Windows By default the layer will serialize tofossilize.jsonin the working directory onvkDestroyDevice. However, due to the nature of some drivers,...
VK_EXT_physical_device_drm Besides that list of extensions, we have also added basic support for Vulkan subgroups (this is a Vulkan 1.1 feature) and Geometry Shaders (we use this to implement multiview). I think we now meet most (if not all) of the Vulkan 1.1 mandatory feature requireme...
they got an error that suggested that the required feature, DirectX 11, was not available on their system. If you are one such user, we got you covered in this post. So, if you get the error message –This application requires DX11, No valid device foundin...
Vulkan is really technical and probably not a good entry point for beginners. That’s why Kronos will still support OpenGL. Vulkan is really designed for advanced users that want to push the hardware to the limit. Also, Shamus, you could have told that OpenGL and Vulkan are not libraries,...
(Android) Do device initialization only once in init function Oct 31, 2022 gfx Vulkan: Fix HDR inverse tonemapping. Nov 4, 2022 griffin Adding some usb hid drivers (libretro#14581) Nov 3, 2022 input Addition to analog stick menu navigation (libretro#14584) Nov 4, 2022 intl Fetch translatio...
NAS. It's also armed with an IMG BXE-2-32 GPU that, despite supporting OpenGL ES 1.1/3.2 and Vulkan 1.3, has a clock frequency of 819MHz. The motherboard also has a standard HDMI port that can handle up to 1920x1440 at 60Hz, which is more than enough for a device of its ...
At the end of 2022 they had a bare-bones Vulkan 1.0 implementation that only ran a few demos. Now a year later, not only does it have support for around 80 Vulkan extensions and major features but it also support nearly everything needed by DXVK and Zink. ...
(Apple Inc. -> Apple Inc.) C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\AppleMobileDeviceService.exe (CHENGDU YIWO Tech Development Co., Ltd. -> ) [File not signed] D:\Program Files (x86)\EaseUS\Todo Backup\bin\TodoBackupService.exe ...
Just like the Snapdragon 888+, the Snapdragon G3x Gen 1 also only supports Vulkan 1.1 and not the latest Vulkan 1.3. There's also a built-in 5MP 1080p60 FPS webcam with two microphones, which players can make use of for live-streaming games online, and there are four speakers ...
If you'd like to support him, you can do so via Patreon or PayPal. This Dumb Industry: What is Vulkan?Previous Post Next PostI Was Wrong About Borderlands 3 From The Archives: The No Politics Rule Here are 6 reasons why I forbid political discussions on this site. #4 will...