Germany, where he was held for three years. Units of the United States Army 273rd Infantry Regiment, 69th Infantry Division, and the Combat Command Reserve, 9th Armored Division, liberated the prison 15 April 1945 after a two-day battle. ...
Molded in various wartime poses, the pint-sized soldiers had pods at their feet to keep them upright. The toys were supremely popular at the height of World War II, and to this day it's the WWII-era models that remain most synonymous with the tiny plastic soldier concept. 1944: Soap ...
“It was the first time in my life that I felt a real, free man,” visual artist and collector Howard Smith said in a 1976 interview about moving to Finland in 1984 after teaching at Scripps College in California. “So much so that one day I was walking down the street, I panicked ...
Don McLean named the day in the lyrics to his 1971 song “American Pie.” Not originally scheduled to be on the flight, the 28-year-old Big Bopper, who was suffering from a cold, hoped to skip the long cold bus ride to their next stop in Minnesota and traded places with Buddy Holly...
was very useful. It is much easier to control the colour balance today than it was back in 1958, when you could not leave an unfinished shot in the camera overnight. If you did, it was quite evident the next day to see a colour change jump due to the California temperature drop durin...
11th airborne,1940's,Army,family historyHistoryJapanMilitaryWWII Smitty, Still in Japan Feb 10 Posted byGP Japan 1945 No matter where he is or what he’s doing, Smitty will be seen touring the sights. In Japan, he also did his best to absorb the culture that surrounded him. ...
Anotherviral photographwas said to show Red Cross nurses on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day. However, it was actually taken in 1945, seven months after D-Day, in the French Riviera area. Advertisement: It's worth noting not all photographs related to D-Day that we have fact-checked had...
From 1930 to 1949, Nationalists & Communists fought in a bloody civil war for control of China When WWII began, Chiang & Mao agreed to a truce from 1937 to 1945 After WWII, Communists gained support & began to win control of China ...
Bader, Flight Lieutenant Harry Day and Flying Officer Geoffrey Stephenson during training for the 1932 Hendon Airshow, with a Gloster Gamecock. (RAF Museum) Pilot Officer Douglas Robert Steuart Bader, Royal Air Force, caught the wingtip of his Bristol Bulldog Mk.IIA, K-1676, and crashed at ...
Family of Black WWII medic finally receives medal for his heroism Waverly B. Woodson Jr. was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for treating 200 troops under enemy fire on D-Day. Seeking a more satisfactory profession, Baker tried enlisting in the U.S. Army...