After all, the first German general in charge of attacking Verdun admitted that he did not necessarily want to take the historic city immediately, but rather would “Bleed France White” during the ensuing fight. However, he may not have realized that the battle would also threaten to bleed ...
February 21, 1916 Battle of Verdun On February 21, 1916, one of the longest battles on the Western Front began at Verdun. The nearly 10-month battle ended in a French victory, but at a high cost of lives on both sides. Read Article Love...
December 18, 1916 - During World War I, the Battle of Verdun concluded after ten months of fighting in which 543,000 French and 434,000 German soldiers were killed.December 18, 1940 - Adolf Hitler ordered the German General Staff to begin planning Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of Soviet...
As luck would have it, on that auspicious day in prehistory, a scattering of showers, a carpet of ash from a nearby volcano created the perfect conditions for taking a print and preserving the footprints of any living creature that happened to pass by, and a small group of hominids did j...
The Battle of Verdun is considered by many the mostblood-stainedbattlefield in world history. Never before or since has there been such a lengthy battle, involving so many men,situatedon such a tiny piece of land. The battle, which lasted from 21 February 1916 until 19 December 1916 caused...
At half past seven on the morning of July 1,1916, whistles (哨子) blew and thousands of British soldiers left their positions to attack their German enemies. By the end of the day, 20,000 of them were dead, and another 30,000 wounded or missing. The Battle of the Somme, {{U}} (...
At half past seven on the morning of July 1,1916, whistles (哨子) blew and thousands of British soldiers left their positions to attack their German enemies. By the end of the day, 20,000 of them were dead, and another 30,000 wounded or missing. The Battle of the Somme, {{U}} (...