针对你提出的错误信息“a fatal error occurred: this chip is esp32-c3 not esp32. wrong --chip argument”,这里是一些详细的解答步骤: 确认错误信息: 错误信息明确指出你正在使用的芯片是ESP32-C3,而不是ESP32。同时,错误提示你使用了错误的--chip参数。 检查并修改--chip参数: 在使用ESP-IDF工具链进...
from the ESP32-C3's datasheet I saw the following feature (I underlined it): Cattura.PNG I searched for it to understand the meaning/how to use it, however I'm not able to find an official explanation about it (and how to use it using ESP-IDF). Maybe I can handle more devices...
错误原因: ESP32-C3只有两个port 解决方法一: github上最新的git已经解决了该问题,使用git获取最新版,不要下载Release的 解决方法二: 去掉Serial2 serial_sevice.cpp中, 第40,41行 将MAX_SERIAL的值改为2.将41行中的Serial2去掉
ESP32 chipID is now correct and unique. The previous releases' 32-bit wrong chipID is mainly the 24-bit Organizational Unique Identifier (OUI) plus 8 bits from the correct chipID. That's why ESP_getChipId() function can return duplicated values if the boards are from the same batch. ...
Go compiler for small places. Microcontrollers, WebAssembly (WASM/WASI), and command-line tools. Based on LLVM. - esp8266: add support for this chip · tinygo-org/tinygo@2ce17a1
Guest Post by Javier February is not over, and Arctic sea-ice extent is already over half a million square kilometers higher than last year at this day. The growing season has not ended, and 2019 Arctic sea-ice extent is already higher than the previous
Arduino Library for ESP32/S2/S3/C3 asynchronous MQTT client implementation. This library, ported to support ESP32/S2/S3/C3, WT32_ETH01 (ESP32 + LAN8720), ESP32 using LwIP ENC28J60, W5500, W6100 or LAN8720. Supporting TLS/SSL for MQTTS Client - khoih-prog
This library contains a framework to easily create web servers that can interface to all sorts of sensors and actuators. esp32 and esp8266. - cwi-dis/iotsa
This library enables you to use 1 Hardware Timer on ESP32-based board to control 16 or more servo motors. Now supporting ESP32, ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3, ESP32_C3-based boards. Tested OK with ESP32 core v2.0.5 - khoih-prog/ESP32_ISR_Servo
This is an ESP32 (including ESP32-S2 and ESP32-C3) / ESP8266 WiFi Connection Manager, using ESPAsyncWebServer, with fallback web configuration portal. Use this library for configuring ESP32, ESP8266 modules' WiFi, etc. Credentials at runtime. You can als