This bundle is invalid - Your archive contains paths that are not allowed: ( “AppThinning.plist” ) 打包过程遇到的问题: Xcode9之后打包过程新增了Strip Swift symbols选项, 如果不勾选, 上传的二进制文件会被拒, 现象就是打包ipa上传到开发者中心后, 上传的版本在活动中显示一次就会消失, 苹果会发送给...
今天更新时打包出现了这两个错误。 1.第2个警告,是由于刚升级的xcode最新版本,没有适配iphone X的尺寸。 2.上面那个报错呢,就是Product Name有无法识别的字符等等这些问题。只用把Build Setting 里面Product Name改成正常英文就可以了。完了
APP发布APP Store提示错误This Bundle is invalid.New apps and app updates submitted to the App Store must be built with public 去开发者中心看了下有关于发布版本的一个新闻( 原文的大概意思2014年5月15号之后APP要提交到APPSTORE不要使用最新版本的XCODE 5.1.1,下载更新...
This bundle is invalid. The key UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities in the info.plist may not contain values that would prevent this application from running on devices that were supported by previous versions. 解决发难有两种: 第一:在itunesconnect修干现在的工程名称(如果你想保留项目名臣的话);然后删除现在...
This bundle is invalid. the key CFBundleVersion in the Info.plist file must 出现这个问题在info.plist里面改过Bundle version版本还是不行,可能是由于下面的原因引起的。 简单翻译一下答案 1、苹果会把版本号中开头的0删掉。例如,“1.02”会被当做“1.2”,所以“1.02”就会变成比“1.1”更高的版本。
this bundle is invalid . new apps and app updates submitted to the app store must be built with public 在网上查了好久,始终告诉我,要使用xcode5,和IOS7可是奇怪的是我本来使用的就是xcode5.1和ios7打的包,最后试了非常多次,发现大概从5月12日開始,必须使用最新的xcode5.1.1才干上传应用,最后最终解决这...
ERROR ITMS-90049:"This bundle is invalid. The bundle identifier contains disallowed characters. [See the section of the Application Programming Guide entitled The APplication Bundle.]" 正如大家一样,笔者也遇到了这个问题,也跟大家一样,猜测这肯定是Apple的问题,但经过多番查找,终于找到了问题原因以及解决方...
[Transporter Error Output]: Return status of iTunes Transporter was 1: ERROR ITMS-90054: This bundle is invalid. The bundle identifier cannot be changed from the previous version. If you want to change your bundle identifier, you will need to create a new applicationinApp Store Connect. [...
Flutter中打包上架苹果商店报下边错误 ERROR ITMS-90208: “Invalid Bundle. The bundle does not support the minimum OS Version specified in the Info.plist.” 最后跟着这个错误... ERROR Appenders contains an invalid element or attribute ...
I've been getting "not a valid application bundle" all week on every app I try to upload - whether it's compiled in AIR 4.0 or AIR 14. I'd like to rule out whether the problem is on my end or theirs... Votes Upvote Translate Transl...