Everyone must turn in their own copy of the assignment. You may consult outside material or work with others (this is encouraged), but you must reference your sources (people, books, webpages, etc.) in the assignment report. Your code will ...
First, somewhere on disk you need to record some generic information about the file system, in a block called thesuperblock.This should be in a well-known position on disk -- in this case, make it the very first block. For this assignment, you...
teaching,Technology Reconceptualizing Course Planning with Canvas, Part I: “The Old Paradigm” Presentations,Publications,Research,Writing Benjamin Lay article published! (but read on here for a “tl;dr”) Uncategorized QR Codes…because, why not?
I don’t know if peer editing would have been as easy had I done the assignment early in the year. Overall, draft day didn’t feel like the usual “revising and editing” days we’ve had with other essays. Students were very concerned with whether or not they were making sense, if ...
Teeth grinders, your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to use humor to turn that grind to a grin. I am serious. They -cannot stand- to be mocked or ridiculed. And doing so is-power-. It also us therapeutic, because to do humor, you have to analyze and discerne. You...
“It’s not the right size,” and gave him a low grade on that assignment, which brought his semester grade for wood shop down to a C because it was the final and most important project. Later that year after I’d gotten to know the principal and was meeting with him in his office...
Responsibility, who is representing Patterson, wrote in the complaint, “but stems from a sincere belief that the laws of the United States are being disregarded for the professional expediency of his superiors and the benefit of private parties, and that a culture of lawlessness has been ...