Windows 10安装MySQL8.0.15 失败,提示This application requires Visual Studio 2015 x64 Redistributable.解决办法 目录: 一:错误提示 二:解决办法 一:错误提示: 1: Action 22:47:16: INSTALL. 1: 1: MySQL Server 8.0 2: {28176271-5414-47DD-... ...
[bug] 安装MySQL8.0.15 失败,提示This application requires Visual Studio 2015 x64 Redistributable 参考
针对您提出的问题“this application requires visual studio”,这里有几个可能的解决方案,由于该问题不涉及具体的代码实现,我将直接提供解决方案的文字描述: 安装Visual Studio: 如果您的系统中尚未安装Visual Studio,而您尝试运行的应用程序需要它,那么您需要下载并安装Visual Studio。您可以从Visual Studio官网下载适用于...
When you try to install Visual Studio 2015 security updates, you receive the error message: This update requires Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 to be installed. Note To determine whether Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 (KB3022398) is installed, check the Installed Updates list...
安装MySQL时出现 “This application requires Visual Studio 2013 x64 Redistributable. Please install the Redistributable then run this installer again.”导致MySQL数据库无法安装 翻译过来是:这个应用程序需要Visual Studio 2013 x64可重新发布。请安装可重新分发的程序,然后再运行此安装程序 ...
Studio2013Redistributable.PleaseinstalltheRedistributablethenrunthisinstalleragain.问题原因大体是mysql自动安装的VisualC++Redistributable路径不对或者即使是x64的mysql识别的也是x86的安装路径,所以解决方案是从微软手动下载VisualC++ Windows 10安装MySQL8.0.15 失败,提示This application requires Visual Studio 2015 x64 Redi...
提示this application requires visual studio 2019 x64 缺少依赖 安装依赖选择对应版本 安装 安装依赖地址 图2 选择合适依赖进行安装 图3 设置成功 成功进入安装界面 ...
i see from the uninstall log that 2 of them have exited with 1603 error code. I have run as an administrator. Next when i install back it says "this update requires visual studio 2015 update 3to be installed"...I am not sure if i have missed anything. ...
This application requires Visual Studio 2013 x64 Redistributable. Please install the Redistributable then run this installer again. 2.解决办法: 下载 2.1下载步骤 第一步 ...
MySql安装问题总是报错,按照提示把需要的Visual Studio 2013 安装上,还是报Visual Studio 2013错误,估计是Visual Studio的版本问题。 在网上找了vcredist_x64 重新安装,就可以正确安装了。 vcredist免费下载地址:链接: 密码:rjlt ...