“This app is no longer available on the App Store” I have an app that has a lot of data stored on it but it says it needs an update, however when I attempt to update the app it says “this app is no longer available on the App Store” I don’t need to update it the old...
One of the common issues being reported is the error message many receiveSorry, this app is no longer availablewhen trying to download an application from theMicrosoft Store, even when the app is available in the Windows Store. I saw a lot of threads on the Internet about this error message...
问题描述: 刚才还好好的,怎么就出现这个提示:This application is not currently available 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 发生原因:已经开启tomcat解决方案:1.到任务管理关闭javaw.exe2.使用命令:taskkill /t /f /im javaw.exe---发生原因:其他已运行程序已经占用8080端口解决方案步骤:1.使用命令:netstat -aon|find...
which is preventing you from downloading content fromWindows Store. Sure, this is frustrating and annoying but worry as I will show you how to easily fix the“Sorry, thisappis no longer available onWindows Store” error.
发生原因:已经开启tomcat 解决方案:1.到任务管理关闭javaw.exe 2.使用命令:taskkill /t /f /im javaw.exe --- 发生原因:其他已运行程序已经占用8080端口 解决方案步骤:1.使用命令: netstat -aon|findstr "8080"被8080占用的应用程序, 最后一列是应用程序的pid 2. 使用命令:taskkill /t /f /pid...
使用IP代理苹果手机显示this APP is not available in your country or region表示因为中国的服务器被隔离了,如果真的要用这个app,只能使用IP代理。
苹果手机显示“this APP is not available in your country or region”有更改Apple ID所在地区、解除设备限制、更换网络环境、更新iOS版本、联系苹果客服或应用开发者、使用IP代理或VPN服务、检查日期和时间设置以及重置网络设置八种处理方法。 方法一:更改Apple ID所在地区 在桌面上找到“设置”,然后单击进入。 在弹...
Adobe 软件程序提示 Sorry,this Adobe app is not available 错误对话框,导致无法正常运行 Adobe 软件。关于解决 Sorry,this Adobe app is not available 问题的方法,理论上讲此方法适用于 Macos 与 Windows 。打开hosts 文件 点击「Finder->前往文件夹」 弹出窗口输入「/etc」然后按回车键,打开窗口中找到...
ilovepasta2020 replied the topic: App Not Available-This app is currently not available in your country or region. Hi Daniel, I am unable to access the app on the app store (from Montreal, Canada). Unfortunately, I am on a tight deadline and was ho...