(and Amazon's ebook ecosystem) or not. Amazon does dominate the e-reading market but there are alternatives, including Kobo, Barnes & Noble and other "open" e-readers that allow you to import both DRM, meaning copy-protected, and DRM-free file formats. Amazon now lets yousend DRM-free ...
='): raise ValueError( 'Operator %s does not support string values!' % m.group('op')) @@ -3973,9 +3973,9 @@ def write_xattr(path, key, value): executable = 'xattr' opts = ['-w', key, value] - cmd = ([encodeFilename(executable, True)] + - [encodeArgument(o) for o ...
Apprentice Alf's Blog Everything you ever wanted to know about DRM and ebooks but were afraid to ask. Calibre 🌟 ebook management tool Calibre-Web Web app for browsing, reading and downloading eBooks stored in a Calibre database Custom Search Engine A Google custom search engine specifically ...
(And contains not just Christmas: there are also sections about Kwanzaa, Norse deities, reindeer nasal mucus, and ruined relationships.) Today’s Bonus Bit of Crap on the App –available for iPadPhones, Android and Windows devices – concerns The One* That Got Away** * bit of film merch ...
I hope this post has helped y’all gain fresh (and balanced) perspective of where you sit in the greater scheme of publishing. Yes, it’s a tumultuous time in publishing, but while industries change, humans never do. Humans will ALWAYS want stories and information. ...