more specifically the Trojan War, which is said to have been over a 10 year period. The story of the ILIAD itself covers only about 2 months of the war. Strangely enough the ILIAD is considered to be a poem
[...] No matter how fervently a person believes in Heaven, for example, she’s still going to be afraid of death. This is because the deepest, oldest parts of her brain—those charged with self-preservation—haven’t the slightest idea about the afterlife. Nor should they. Self-preservati...
The RATP Grand Prix de Poésie returns in 2024! Open to all, this RATP-initiated competition awaits your poems until April 1, with the prize of a text displayed in the Paris metro during the two summer months. Recycling: source separation of biowaste compulsory for all from January 1...