Third ventricle midline shift due to spontaneous supratentorial intracerebral hemorrhage evaluated by transcranial color-coded sonography. J Ultrasound Med 00;:0-.Tang SC, Huang SJ, Jeng JS, Yip PK. Third ventricle midline shift due to spontaneous supratentorial intracerebral hemor- rhage evaluated by...
Chordoid glioma is a rare brain tumor thought to arise from specialized glial cells of the lamina terminalis along the anterior wall of the third ventricle. Despite being histologically low-grade, chordoid gliomas are often associated with poor outcome, as their stereotypic location in the third ...
The endoscopy entry point was located anterior to the coronal suture, 7 mm from the midline.RESULTS:We obtained clear visualization of the enlarged lateral ventricles by endoscopy in the hydrocephalic fetal lambs. The floor of the third ventricle was bluntly perforated and passed with the scope ...