insurance that pays money to someone who is hurt or whose property is damaged by something that you have done第三方责任险 Does third party insurance cover(=pay for)this type of damage? 第三方责任险是否对这类损失进行赔偿? →third party insurance/cover/policyatthird party2(1)...
Third-party insurance is a form of liability insurance that covers you when someone makes a claim against you for damages. A common example of this is auto insurance, which will pay another driver who is injured in an accident that you have caused. Another common type of third-party insuranc...
The crisis in clinical cancer research. Third-party insurance and investigational therapy Neo No-Fault Early Offers: A Workable Compromise between First and Third-Party Insurance Triggering Coverage of Progressive Property Loss: Preserving the Distinctions Between First and Third-Party Insurance Policies ...
third party insurance 第三方保险 third party liability insurance 第三者责任保险见liability insurance. third party check 第三当事人支票、两人背书过的支票 (1)指银行付款给发票人以外的第三人的支票。即第三人为在支票上背书的受款人;(2)若此支票为记名支票,则必须经由原受票人背书转让、持票人再背书后...
Third-party insurance pricing should be based on the driverDeepti Bhaskaran
thirdparty n. 第三者,第三方 insurance n. 1.[U, sing] [~ (against sth)]保险(契约) 2.[U]保险业 3.[U]保险费 4.[C,U][~ (against sth)]保险措施,(预防损失、失败等 life insurance a. 人寿保险的 co insurance n. 共同保险 cost,insurance,freight,cleared 运费、保险费、通关费在内条...
thirdparty insurance英语翻译成中文是什么意思?汉程英汉词典提供thirdparty insurance的音标、读音、详细意思解释及用法等。
UBWs are covered in thosethird party insurancepolicies. 然而,由於保險所涵蓋的 範圍、項目及條款乃保險公司與有關業主立案法團之間的協定, 當局並沒有資料顯示這些已購置第三者保險的大廈的保單是否有包括大廈僭建的部分。
third party insurance 英 [ˌθɜːd pɑːti ɪnˈʃʊərəns] 美 [ˌθɜːrd pɑːrti ɪnˈʃʊrəns]网络 第三者保险; 第三人保险; 第三方保险; 第三方责任险...
third party insurance(Brit)n[u]第三方保险(險)dìsān fāng bǎoxiǎn 标题中含有单词 'third party insurance' 的论坛讨论: 未在Chinese论坛中找到有关“third party insurance”的讨论 Third party coverage or insurance, liability insurance- English Only forum ...