X1系列全部采用巧克力键盘,好处就是超薄便携,手感与经典的ThinkPad键盘稍有差距,键程有所缩减(普通ThinkPad 1.8mm,ThinkPad X1 Tablet 1.35mm,Surface Pro 4 1.3mm),但能在此厚度下做到如此的键程,也属不易。敲击手感富有弹性和韧性,只是比经典键盘感觉稍软。另外,触摸板的做工不敢恭维,点击的声音也是听起来非常不...
ThinkPad X1 Tablet的12英寸屏幕为3:2的2K分辨率(2160*1440),比surface Pro 4的2736*1824屏幕要弱一些。不过屏幕看起来还不错,色彩准确而且亮度足够(在室内调成50%亮度就已经够用了)。在户外,X1 Tablet在阳光直射下依旧可以看清屏幕,甚至戴着太阳镜也能看清,比我的2014款MacBook Air要好多了。但和其他机器一样...
在年初的CES上,ThinkPad一口气带来了三款面向高端市场的X1系列新品,其中的X1 Yoga和X1 Carbon我们都带来了详细的评测,今天的X1 Tablet也算是给今年的ThinkPad X1系列评测画上一个不太完整的句号(后续还会带来X1T键盘底座的相关内容)。 总的来说,今年的ThinkPad X1系列竞争力比往年更强,但它竞品的水平也在逐年提高...
The 2018 ThinkPad X1 Tablet uses 8th generation Intel Core processors. There are just three preconfigured models on Lenovo's UK website, and I was sent the mid-range model to review. The top-end option costs just a shade over £2,000 (inc. VAT), but for the money you get a Core...
In review: Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Tablet. Test model provided by Lenovo US. 联想曾经是变形本市场的先驱之一,不过X1 Tablet(测试机型售价1549美元)标志着这家生产商首次为ThinkPad系列采用微软Surface式设计。这台设备旨在为商务用户提供一个除Surface Pro之外的选择,在很多方面它都做得十分成功。X1 Tablet的舒适输入...
联想ThinkPad X1 Tablet 2018 平板电脑评测. Review unit provided by Campuspoint. 让我们从介绍性问题开始——新的联想ThinkPad X1 Tablet是最好的商务二合一平板吗?这个问题一般无法回答,因为竞品的细节太不相同了,这往往取决于用户计划如何使用该设备。如果需要较长的电池寿命,并且如果设备经常在户外使用,则有更好...
评测ThinkPad X1 Tablet 专业范二合一爆款 【天极网平板频道】作为今年PC产业中最为火热的产品线,2合1所主打的全新使用形态为我们的娱乐与办公提供了完全不一样的解决方案。在2合1产品的应用场景中,既有将娱乐进行到底的产品,又有完全优化的生产力工具。
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Yoga Gen 7: Specs Note that these are the specs of my review unit. As with any ThinkPad, there's a wide array of configurations. You can get it with a 15W U-series processor instead of the 28W P-series chip, there's an optional IR camera, and there's even opti...
ThinkPad X1 Tablet (3rd Gen) Click to review all important information regarding lenovo.com pricing, restrictions, warranties, and more Ship date: Shipping times listed are estimates based on production time and product availability. An estimated ship date will be posted on our order status...
Read the review:Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Tablet 3rd Gen review: A top-quality 2-in-1 detachable Stocks are low. If you use theX1TABDEALe-coupon, you are limited to up to four units at the sale price. Also:The best tablets you can buy right now (and no, they aren...