Notebookch..看完Notebookcheck的X1 carbon评测,还是松了口气的。其实预定了X1C的i7 4G版本后,心里还是满忐忑的,就算看过十篇二十篇的评测,连个实物都没见过的机器,价格又不便宜,预定了后心
It’s hard to find any fault with Lenovo’s latest entry into the X1 Carbon line, especially if you’re looking for a moderately powerful business machine with good battery life. One of its drawbacks, its high price, will likely be erased if an IT department budget is footing the bill,...
明显缺少的是:内存(主板板载) 50 Wh电池 Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7265无线网络适配器 空闲的WWAN插槽 ThinkPad以太网扩展线缆的以太网口一端... ...而另一端是联想特有的无线网连接器接口 Editor of theoriginal article:Steve Schardein- Tech Writer- 98 articles published on Notebookchecksince 2012 ...
notebookcheck甚至给到过90/100的评分,认为能压elitebook 1040一头的核心原因。U15+低分=热不起来,...
ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 13 Aura(下文将简称为“X1C G13”)不但继承了上代的优点,还有所优化,使得整机重量减轻。 更重要的是,它几乎补上了所有关键的短板,在使用时温度更低,电池续航时间更长。 notebookcheck(下文简称为“NBC”)经过测试,确定其电池续航时间提高了30%,即使是采用 OLED屏幕的机型。
4000多的轻薄本都给你上了2.8K高分屏和H45标压处理器/酷睿Ultra H,ThinkPad X1 Carbon国内版真的不...
当然,我们正在拼命地等待今年的T480和T580笔记本电脑,但今年他们正在耗时。至少他们已经在联想上市,所以我们不必再等太久。 RIVERSIDECYXII 小吧主 14 搬运的Notebookcheck吧,8250U跑这么满有点意外,不错不错。这一代更省钱,83都可以不用选了登录百度账号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载...
X1 Carbon Gen 6: 323.5 x 217.1 x 15.95 / 1.13kg MacBook Pro 2019: 304.1 x 212.4 x 14.91 / 1.37kg (X230/X1 Carbon Gen7/ThinkPad 25/T430) 为了降低厚度、缩小尺寸,2008年的X300用上了7mm的超薄光驱和1.8英寸的SSD、电池放在了掌托之下,2011年的X1用上了缩减键程的六行浮岛式键盘;2012年X1 Carb...
X1 Carbon Gen 6: 323.5 x 217.1 x 15.95 / 1.13kg MacBook Pro 2019: 304.1 x 212...
more powerful processors than laptops, making them better suited for tasks that require more processing power. However, laptops typically have more storage space and better graphics processing than notebooks. Ultimately, the decision between a laptop and a notebook depends on your needs and ...