本驱动支持以下机型: ThinkPad T14s AMD笔记本 本驱动支持以下部件: 26.20.14038.12001(AMD VGA) Audio CoProcressor) audio device) High Definition Audio Device) 更新说明: 1、将驱动更新为Win11标志。
▼另一个让Intel脸上无光的是CINEBENCH R15的重复测试,站长直接进行长达50次的马拉松式测试,如下图所示,T14/s(AMD)的成绩宛如「飞龙在天」,狠狠将T14/s(Intel)压在地上。而且网友会发现,同平台的T14/s,通常都会是T14效能优于T14s,代表T14由于机身厚度较高,主机的散热机制能有较多的余裕让CPU发挥更高的效能。
Re:ThinkPad T14s Gen 3 AMD Ryzen Screen flickers randomly and becomes black for 4-5 seconds Trying to see if we have the same issue. Do you get about 10 gnome-shell warning messages in /var/log/syslog every time the flicker happens?
● 功能强大的 ThinkPad T14s Gen 3(14 英寸 AMD)轻薄便携,让您可以随时随地自由工作。它采用高性能 AMD 处理器(最高可达 Ryzen 7 PRO)和 AMD Radeon 显卡。这款商务笔记本电脑拥有大量下一代内存和存储空间,可轻松完成任何任务。此外,它的重量仅为 1.22 千克/2.71 磅,因此您可以随身携带。 视觉享受,听觉...
ThinkPad T14s AMD笔记本 本驱动支持以下部件: PCI Device Realtek PCIE CardReader Genesys Logic PCIE CardReader Device 更新说明: 1、新增Realtek和Genesys:Win11驱动标识。 2、修正Realtek:UHSII卡禁用读卡器时间过长的问题。 3、修正Realtek:现代待机恢复后无法检测到卡的问题。
Hi all, using the TB4 dock with an AMD T14S Gen3. Overall more stable than a lot of docks I've used, however really annoyed by the sleep problem that I think is well noted here (no sleep or just a non-responsive shutdown) and r...
我是21年买的这台电脑,T14S AMD R7-4750U。刚开始还行。然后出了Win11后,更新过win11,一直有无法关机还是什么毛病,查到说是AMD的不兼容问题。后来自己回到了win10,紧接着小红帽和那三个按键就用不了了,下过管网驱动也不行,我感觉是驱动都没下对,因为管网一直搜不到我这电脑型号,对来对去感觉下图列表的型号...
Being so light and slim, the powerful ThinkPad T14s Gen 3 (14'' AMD) gives you the freedom to work from anywhere. It’s built on high-performance AMD processors (up to Ryzen™ 7 PRO) and AMD Radeon™ graphics. With its vast amounts of next-gen memory and storage, this business...
T14s GEN3 ..等到花儿都谢了,就冲着它比T14轻点,比X13屏幕大点,等到现在了,感觉再下去7000要上了,是不是这代AMD版的不准备在国内上了
thinkpad t14s gen 3 (14, amd) {"arrowcolor":"","backgroundcolor":"#c2f0ff","dividecolor":"#dbdbdb","sidemsg":{"t_id":"","language":{"en_in":"","en":""},"id":""},"data":[{"pcinfo":{"t_id":"pageebe820f6-b6f2-4684-953d-268719a1db23","language":{"en...