If the LCD displays various images with colors similar to the following when testing, then the LCD is working as expected. Contact Usfor support and provide the information from the LCD Self-Test. Related Articles [Video]ThinkPad Display Not Working - LCD Self-Test (2019 and newer ThinkPad sy...
If the LCD displays various images with colors similar to the following when testing, then the LCD is working as expected. Contact Usfor support and provide the information from the LCD Self-Test. Related Articles [Video]ThinkPad Display Not Working - LCD Self-Test (2019 and newer ThinkPad sy...
5. I checked my display settings and verified that no external monitor was recognized. What else can I try? 2023-02-24 03:07:22 Re:ThinkPad Pro Docking Station - DisplayPort stopped working Hi check the specs of the docking station and your unit, focus on how many watts...
Check USB-C Compatibility: Ensure that the USB-C port on your ThinkPad supports video output. Not all USB-C ports have this capability. Update Drivers: Even though you mentioned that you have the most recent display adapter, it might be worth checking for an...
Depending on how comfortable you are working with hardware components and what actually needs to be replaced, you may be able to do so yourself. If not, you could take it to an authorized repair shop. Check your warranty status. What kind of display does my laptop have? The display type...
Seamless security That's why we created ThinkShield, an integrated suite of security features that deliver seamless protection to your system and your assets. Whether it's a display that alerts you to prying eyes, biometrics to log you in, detection of WiFi network spoofing, or firmware that ...
This article shows you how to run the LCD Self-Test on your ThinkPad to diagnose display issues. Follow our step-by-step guide for a quick and easy solution.
The LCD self-test is for testing the functionality of the LCD panel of a ThinkPad laptop without the need of an external display. The test can be used if the machine shows a blank screen when powered on. Use this test as part of the LCD diagnostic testing.Note:Check the Hardware Mainten...
My problem is resolved with Ubuntu and 2 display 4K Many thanks Re:Thinkpad P17 gen 1 don't run with 2 display 4K connected on thunderbolt 3 with OS Ubuntu 20.04.3 Hello jean42pin, Welcome to Lenovo Community I'm sorry to...
But with modern notebooks it does not work anymore, because external connection are handled by te nVidia-chip. So if bumblebee shuts it down, no external display will work. After uninstall and reboot my external montor works like a charm! Quick replyReply2 Was this solution h...