To place a buy order above the current price:在高于目前的价格买入订单 To place a sell order below the current price:在低于目前的价格卖出订单 【Stop Limit】:和Stop Market类似,不同的地方,是多了一个“设定价格”Price。这是触发价(activation price)后,限价订单Limit Order。
止損單(Stop Order) 當你在下單止損單(Stop Order)時,你需要在訂單中設定一個止損觸發價格(Stop Price),當股價達到觸發價格時,系統自動提交一份買入或賣出的市價單,但無法保證執行價格將等於或接近觸發價格。 止損限價單(Stop Limit Order) 當你在下單止損限價單(Stop Limit Order )時,你需要在訂單中設定一個...
In this video, we'll demonstrate how to create trailing stop and trailing stop limit orders on the thinkorswim® desktop platform. August 28, 2023 Trading Tools Alerts on thinkorswim® Learn how to create alerts on thinkorswim® Desktop August 28, 2023 Trading Tools Spread Orders on...
In this video, we'll demonstrate how to create trailing stop and trailing stop limit orders on the thinkorswim® desktop platform. Watch video: Trailing Stop Orders on thinkorswim® Desktop Transcript Open new window Schwab offers trading tools and platforms. Learn more More from Charles ...
Furthermore, the platform lacks functionality. It does not simply override your commands over a limit order. You have to first cancel a limit order then place your market order. By that time you do this the market price has moved. The support staff is pretty cocky. They expect you know ...
Trailing stop limit Market-on-close Limit-on-close Blast all OCO (order cancels other) And more… We warned you this program is just as advanced as the platform you’re currently using at your day-trading broker. If we haven’t convinced you yet, keep reading. ...
Trailing stop limit Market-on-close Limit-on-close Blast all OCO (order cancels other) And more… We warned you this program is just as advanced as the platform you’re currently using at your day-trading broker. If we haven’t convinced you yet, keep reading. ...
• Trade stocks, options, futures, forex, and more. Create and modify advanced orders and add order conditions quickly and easily. • Live chat with a trading specialist during support hours—even share your screen without ever leaving the app. ...
Now, begin filling out your Trade Ticket. First, select your order type. To do this, tapLimitto open the menu and select an order type. For this example, we'll use a limit order. Next, select the time in force for this trade. TapDayand then select the amount of time you'd like...
Put the power of thinkorswim® right in your pocket with our trading app. Manage your positions; find quotes, charts, and studies; get support; and place trades…